LegalRuleML F2F 2014
Agenda Presentation of the outcomes of the TC: schemas, glossary, documentation Presentation of the next objectives for 2014-2015 year Information about the next steps of the TC Cooperation with and other technical groups (e.g. OASIS TCs, OMG, W3C) Collection of comments and Q&A time Other business
Outcome of the LegalRuleML TC Schemas: Zip file of the schemas: Two formats of the schemas: compact and normal Different format of the schemas: XSD RelaxNG Metamodel in RDFs
Documentation and deliverable Examples SVN: Documentation of the LegalRuleML TC: lrml navigable technical documentation: Glossary:
New goals for 2014-2015 integration with Reaction RuleML meta-model for permitting export in RDF extensibility mechanisms of the schema case-law management good documentation and pilot cases
OASIS TC Workflow Working Draft Committee Specification Draft FIRST STEP Committee Specification Draft Full Majority Vote Public Review Open for 30 days Specification Special Majority Vote. SECOND STEP End of Sept. End of Dec. Statements of Use Three use cases Candidate standard Public Review Open for 60 days THIRD STEP End of Feb. End of May Balloting 15% of the OASIS OASIS Stand. FORTH STEP End of July Next RuleML2015
Comments? Q&A? ….very welcome any contribution! Thanks.