Français 5/7/18 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 166. Faites les 8,9. If you look at the numbers on my face you won’t find 13 any place? Apaisant (e) soothing. Je voudrais une pommade apaisante. I’d like a soothing ointment. Goals – Pracitice with money and making change. Final practice for Orale 5-1,2,3. Devoirs – Dialogue 5-1,2,3 Final draft. clock
Français 5/8/18 Cinq minutes preparer à l’orale 5-1,2,3. The eight of us go forth not back, to protect our king from a foe’s attack. Grossir – to put on weight, Il a beaucoup grossi. He’s put on a lot of weight. Goals – Submit final draft of dialogue 5-1,2,3. Successfully complete orale. Devoirs – Faites le 1, 2, 3 à la page 166. pawns
Français 5/9/18 Additional listening 5-1, 5-2. We’re five little items of an every day sort, you’ll find us all in “a tennis court.” L’exercise – exercise. Faites del’exercise tous les jours. Exercise every day. Goals – Prepare for chapter 5 test Friday. Devoirs – A la page 166, faites le 4,5,6,7. Aeiou - vowels
Français 5/10/18 Cinq minutes preparer à l’examen chapitre 5. I see without seeing, to me darkness is as clear as daylight. Le doigt – finger. Il ne fait rien de ses dix doigts. He’ a lazy good for nothing. Goals – Complete chapter 5 test. Correct it? Devoirs – A la page 173, Vocabulaire. Ecrivez, “Je vais” in front of each to make sentences; e.g. “Je vais regarder un match.” A bat.
Français 5/11/18 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 173. Faites le 8, ecrivez-le. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Paresseux (euse) – lazy, idle. C’est l’homme le plus paresseux que je connaisse. He’s the laziest man I know. Goals – Correct test. Work on saying what you will be doing in the near future. Learn the verb “aller.” Devoirs – A la page 191, faites #3. Frost bite.