Review of Current Programming Manual Guidelines on Assessed Loss Volumes
Background At the February TEG Experian presented a list of data recommendation identified through the analytical element of the 2018 Performance Assurance work to the group for review. These recommendations related to data collection and processing and will make further analysis of data for performance assurance reporting more efficient in the future. Example - a small Supplier recorded a date as the kWh which had to be investigated and corrected It was agreed for the undermentioned recommendation to be included on the next TEG agenda for discussion, with further action to be taken by CCN if required: Recommendation 4: Review the process for submitting energy volumes within the Supplier files to determine if further controls are needed to prevent incorrect values being recorded
Action Update The Programming Manual currently states the following guidelines for Assessed Losses: - In kWh when reporting a Confirmed Theft populate with a value equal to or greater than zero otherwise leave 'null' (Blank/Empty) TIG to determine whether there should be more validation rules in the ‘Assessed Losses’ section of the current Programming Manual stipulations.