Bell ringers Sept. 17-21 Honors/DE
List AND describe the 4 points Luther and Calvin disagreed. BR #1: Monday, Sept. 17 List AND describe the 4 points Luther and Calvin disagreed. Summarize Calvin’s responses to the following questions: How can I be saved? What are our chances of being saved? (make sure to include the tests) So why be a Christian if not a part of the elect?
Summarize life in Geneva under Calvin. BR #2: Tuesday, Sept. 18 Summarize life in Geneva under Calvin. What did Calvin believe was God’s terrible decree? What motivated the explorers? What was the treaty of Tordesillas?
Describe the impact the English reformation had on Parliament. BR #3: Wednesday, Sept. 19 What were the two results of the spread of Calvinism throughout Europe? Who were the Huguenots? Describe the impact the English reformation had on Parliament.
List and describe 2 means for expansion. BR #4: Thursday, Sept. 20 List and describe 2 means for expansion. Summarize the slave trade AND how it fit in the triangle of trade.
Explain the Columbian exchange. Describe mercantilism. BR #5: Friday, Sept 21 Explain the Columbian exchange. Describe mercantilism. How did China fair during the age of exploration? Be specific. Before turning in: Please put the following in the upper RIGHT-hand corner of your paper: First and last name Class period Date Once complete, please turn in all 5 bell ringers for this week.