Faculty Senate January 2013 Assigned work Faculty Senate January 2013
Assigned to a total of 100% Select at least 15% Faculty Responsibilities Scholarship and Creative Activity Teaching Advising Research Extension Service Other
Assigned to a total of 100% Faculty Responsibilities Instruction+ Advising Scholarship + Creative Activities Service + Leadership
Instruction and advising: Interactions with learners to help them gain knowledge or acquire skills. Scholarship and creative activities: Interactions with people in field of expertise with the goal of creating new knowledge or developing new skills. Peer reviewed. Service and leadership: Interactions to keep OSU, professional societies , or in some cases the community running.
Attached document is intended to start discussion, it is not a final document. Questions: Does this work? What is missing? No double counting? Feedback mechanism: https://secure.oregonstate.edu/facultysenate/committees/ec/promotion_ten/comment.php Link available from FS website. Feedback requested by January 25.