professora Paula Lança MY DAILY ROUTINE professora Paula Lança
I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning My daily routine GET UP I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning professora Paula Lança
professora Paula Lança My daily routine HAVE A SHOWER I have a shower professora Paula Lança
professora Paula Lança My daily routine BRUSH (ONE’S TEETH) I brush my teeth professora Paula Lança
professora Paula Lança My daily routine GET DRESSED I get dressed professora Paula Lança
professora Paula Lança My daily routine GO (TO SCHOOL/ HOME) I go to school I go home professora Paula Lança
I have lunch at half past midday My daily routine HAVE (LUNCH/ BREAKFAST/ DINNER) I have lunch at half past midday professora Paula Lança
I do my homework in the afternoon My daily routine DO (THE HOMEWORK) I do my homework in the afternoon professora Paula Lança
I play the piano on Monday and Wednesday My daily routine PLAY (THE PIANO/ THE GUITAR) I play the piano on Monday and Wednesday professora Paula Lança
I watch TV every evening My daily routine WATCH (TV) I watch TV every evening professora Paula Lança
professora Paula Lança My daily routine READ I read a book professora Paula Lança