Make a flash card for each of the following terms Make a flash card for each of the following terms. Term on front, full definition on back.
Oral cavity Mouth (buccal cavity) Teeth (mastication) Tongue Hard palate Soft palate Uvula Salivary glands (saliva bolus) Tonsils
Esophagus (peristalsis) Pharynx (Throat) Esophagus (peristalsis) Epiglottis (a flap which closes off trachea when we swallow to prevent aspiration) Esophageal sphincter
Small Intestine (DJ I) (20 feet long x 1 inch wide) Stomach Rugae (allows for enlargement) Chyme Pyloric sphincter Small Intestine (DJ I) (20 feet long x 1 inch wide) Villi, Lacteals Duodenum (9-10 in) Jejunum (8 feet) Ileum (12 feet) (ileocecal valve)
Large Intestine (5 feet x 2 inches) Cecum Appendix Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon Rectum (6-8 inches) Anal Canal (Anus)
Insert all of the above terms and definitions into Quizlet and email the link of your Quizlet to: