The Alba Emoting Effector Patterns Based on 6 Basic Emotions and 1 Neutral Pattern An effector pattern is an agent causing an effect, ie. a nerve ending activating a muscle or a molecule affecting an enzyme activity. Applying a series of effector patterns can achieve a holistic physiological effect throughout the whole self. O Breath (Neutral & Balancing) 1 Nose Breathing 1a Tender Love 1b Anger 2 Mouth Breathing 2a Sexual/Sensual Love 2b Fear/Surprise 3 Nose /Mouth Breathing 3a Joy/Laughter 3b Sadness/Crying This numbering & lettering system for labeling the patterns was created by Laura Facciponti as a method for explaining and teaching the patterns without using the subjective words for emotions up front.
3 Parallel Interconnected Levels To Each Alba Emoting Effector Pattern Breathing Pattern Postural Attitude Facial Expression All 3 levels trigger physiological as well as expressive activities in the whole self. In order to reach a holistic understanding of each effector pattern and achieve a physiological induction of the basic emotion, all three levels must be integrated.
Finding the Facial Muscular Triggers in the Basic Emotions 0 pattern (facial aspects) – Eyes relaxed and looking straight ahead, on the horizon line. Be sure not to look up or down, but straight across. Mouth is relaxed, no tension around the lips. Jaw rises up enough to create an opening of the mouth that appears to be a fairly straight line across the slightly open lips. The head is balanced directly over the spine.
1a pattern (facial aspects) The authentic smile starts with the widening of the eyes first, and then the muscles at the sides of the mouth follow the lead of the eyes. The eyes look at the person or thing that is causing the feeling, and the head tilts to one side – with head facing its subject matter.
1b (facial aspect) Tension under the eyes and pressing into the bridge of the nose narrows the eyes. The eyes and head stay aligned – looking straight at someone or something. The lower jaw moves forward, aligning with the upper teeth, causing some tension across the upper lip.
2a (facial aspect) - As the mouth relaxes gently open, both outside edges of the upper lip (from high tip to corners) pull up and out into a pleasurable smile, with the lower lip relaxed. Eyes softly drop, almost closed.
2b (facial aspect) - The eyes have a popping look, as if the eye balls want to move straight forward and the eye lids (top and bottom) simply get out of the way. The eyes also tend to dart around, with the head staying still. The mouth drops open by the middle of the lower lip moving straight down along with the jaw movement. The head pulls back as the chin drops down to protect the neck.
3a (facial aspect) The authentic smile introduced in 1a gets wider, initiated by the eyes first and with open mouth widening and pulling up into cheeks. The eyes look intentionally at someone or something that is causing the feeling, or up in the air if it was a thought.
3b (facial aspect) The eyebrow area pinches together and UP, with the eyes downcast. The corners of the mouth pull slightly out and down, with the mouth often open, pulling the jaw down.