How to structure 01 A Level Stuarts answers
What is it? In the exam it is the mandatory question – you will have no choice! You will spend an hour on it. The extracts will be written by historians. You will be given three extracts and a question worded like this: Using your understanding of the historical context, assess how convincing the arguments in these three extracts are in relation to… You are being tested on A03: ‘Analyse and evaluate, in relation to the historical context, different ways in which aspects of the past have been interpreted.’
How will it be marked?
What do you need to be able to do to get a Level 5? L5: Shows a very good understanding of the interpretations put forward in all three extracts and combines this with a strong awareness of the historicalcontext to analyse and evaluate the interpretations given in the extracts. Evaluation of the arguments will be well-supported and convincing. The response demonstrates a very good understanding of context. 25-30 Show that you understand what the extract is arguing and can write it in your own words. Show that you can pick out the sub-arguments and provide supporting points or points to counter. Show that you can, based on the analysis you’ve done, come to a judgement about how convincing the arguments therefore are. Show that you can support that judgement with specific and detailed historical knowledge.
What do you need to be able to do to get a Level 5? L5: Shows a very good understanding of the interpretations put forward in all three extracts and combines this with a strong awareness of the historical context to analyse and evaluate the interpretations given in the extracts. Evaluation of the arguments will be well-supported and convincing. The response demonstrates a very good understanding of context. 25-30
How to approach the 01 Question No need for an overall introduction on the most convincing of the three extracts – just take each in turn. Important that the focus is on interpretation and argument rather than just the factual content of the extract. Support your views on how convincing the argument is with contextual understanding. Include balance in your evaluation by identifying parts that are less convincing. Come to an overall view that states how convincing the arguments in this extract are. Repeat for each extract. no need for an overall conclusion/judgement on the most convincing – just stop.
Structure Identify argument: In your own words, write down the main interpretation given in Extract A to show you understand it. Analyse argument: then identify approx. 3 sub-arguments that support that overall interpretation – you can use a quote to show that is how the extract is supporting their interpretation. Evaluate argument: based on historical understanding, for each sub- argument you need to explain that it is or is not convincing and support your point with specific and detailed evidence from your contextual knowledge or challenge it based on your knowledge. Clearly show your overall evaluation linked to the question: overall how convincing are the arguments in that extract then? Repeat for Extract B and C
Structure Extract A’s interpretation of…(the focus given in the question)… is … Extract A supports this interpretation by arguing ‘quote’. This point is highly convincing as it can be supported by … (include historical context to support that view, try to be specific e.g. names/ dates/ events/ places)… (explain why this makes the argument convincing). Extract A also suggests that ‘quote’. However, this limits how convincing this interpretation is overall, as this point can be countered by… (historical context, explaining why this counters the argument)… Therefore on the whole Extract A is convincing regarding (point that you found convincing) because…(explain), despite making the point that (point that was not convincing) (explain why you still overall find it more convincing that not/or less convincing) Repeat for Extract B and C