Brandi Hudson Ceo Independent Maori statutory board Power sharing between governments and communities Learnings from Aotearoa….
Learning 1 - Key decisions for our country, our people are often made by Similar Personalities to….
LEARNING 2 - Triple down on the $$$ The funding haka at the get go – from $300k to $3m per annum $295m advocacy over 10 years for Maori outcomes
Learning 3 - Fail to plaN then plan to fail The Maori Plan for Tamaki Makaurau Clearly sets out the ASPIRATIONS of our people based on our values and worldviews followed by ACTIONS required by those in government agencies Audit government agencies using a specific framework and scope to collect a baseline of information about the systemic things that must change in order for our people to culturally thrive and live a high quality of life and standard of living in safe communities Insist on measurements and indicators in government documents – that are based from our worldview A PLAN WITHOUT A BUDGET IS A HALLUCINATION
Learning 4 – the ‘R’ word! Call out poor laws, policies, plans and resourcing Hold people who manage and are accountable for racist, stupid policies, plans and lack of resources Provide simple instruction, direction and solutions to those that have decision making powers and especially those who do the implementing Never underestimate the power of re-telling the same people ‘how to suck eggs’….RE-IMAGINING sucking eggs
Learning 5 - Press replay x 100 Repeat then repeat again what actions you want people to take Say the same thing in different ways using different methods – board reports, social media, letters to influencers Be clear, precise and concise about your message, actions, measurements and outcomes
Learning 6 – have an excellent document management system The phenomenal amount of information can be overwhelming That information is your power base Tailor your DMS to suit your organization so that’s it easily accessible Train staff to use this competently and conscientiously and insist they do it
Lesson 7 – build your army Your advocates include the people you least expect to be interested Use nationally and internationally recognized consultants and experts to give your advocacy strategy impact
Snap shot of Maori outcomes at Auckland council Maori design principles adopted for the built environment Maori provisions in the Auckland Unitary Plan Co-governance of our maunga – Volcanic cones Maori directors on council controlled corporates Relationship agreements with tribes Maori housing plan supported Bilingual public signage – te reo on trains and in the council building lifts..27 floors of it! Maori customary name policy adopted Enabling council procurement policy to include Maori businesses Maori internships and employee KPIs Maori business network Maori staff network Maori sports and cultural events Treaty of Waitangi and Matariki celebration events Maori tourism initiatives Cultural Dawn ceremonies to bless important sites of significance and taonga
AKL CITY TOURS app - Te Paparahi – Walks in the city map Follow us on FB TinoAKL Kete korero app AKL CITY TOURS app - Te Paparahi – Walks in the city map
Borrowed a line from IsAac James Bishara In regards to re- imagining… ‘Some of us are still imagining who we are’