Outcomes from consultation of list of conservation measures


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Presentation transcript:

Outcomes from consultation of list of conservation measures Expert group on Reporting under the Nature Directives, 18 October 2016 Outcomes from consultation of list of conservation measures

Background information An example of a list presented to EG on 15 March 2016 (based on previous discussions this example mirrored the pressures and threats under category A - Agriculture) written consultation during summer 2016 (a draft version of list based on the same approach as example from March, including a brief explanation and link to pressures and threats) MS were asked to provide their comments on general approach to conservation measures, on specific measures and on missing measures

Background information

Overview of consultation Replies from: 10 MS c. 90 suggestions concerning existing measures and gaps in proposed list

Outcomes from consultation – general comments 1) Approach linking conservation measures with pressures and threats. this approach is generally welcomed, it is more coherent and easier to apply some doubts were expressed as to whether this approach will result in a comprehensive list of measures question of how to deal with general measures, which are not linked to one or few specific pressures ( e.g. measures related to environmental education, rising the understanding of ecological processes). some of the pressures are not linked to any measure

Outcomes from consultation – general comments 2) Some important areas are not covered by current list currently the list only covers habitat restoration or improvement of habitat quality for agricultural land, forests and mines, but it doesn’t cover restoration of other types of habitat, e.g. marine habitats a major part of measures concerning agriculture in some part of Europe is maintaining existing extensive agricultural practices current list talks mainly of improving, reinstating, adapting, restoring not about maintaining

Outcomes from consultation – general comments 2) Some important areas are not covered by current list it is not sure where specific measures targeting the protected species should be included, like for example, population enhancement through reintroduction, relocation and transfer from captivity, building artificial shelters measures that aim at strengthening and increasing or imitating natural processes, such as fire, flood, disturbances should be addressed measures linked to strict protection of Annex IV species are not included

Outcomes from consultation – general comments 3) Measure titles should be improved language of measures can be improved to be more specific e.g. ‘Reducing the impact of hydropower infrastructures” – can be replaced with’ increasing regulations of hydropower infrastructures to restore natural hydrology’. measures titles should be self-explanatory e.g. almost all actions could fit under ‘Reduce impact of specific human actions’ use of terms reduce/eliminate vs regulate/manage, for some pressure using regulate/manage would be more appropriate

Outcomes from consultation – general comments 3) ‘Description’ of measures should be improved it should be clear which concrete measures are included, e.g. for measure ‘Adapt/manage reforestation and forest exploitation’ it should be clear in the explanation that it covers protection or conversion from clear fell plantation to long term native woodland overlaps should be tackled, e.g. there is a potential overlap between Climate change related measures and other categories (restoring a wetland habitat can be considered both a ‘Habitat restoration/creation from agricultural land’ and ‘Implement climate change adaptation measures)

Outcomes from consultation – general comments 4) Structure of a list the list can have a hierarchical structure linking from the local to the strategic level should be included

Next steps What needs to be done: address specific comments from consultation and EG discussions elaborate a column with description update links to pressures Next steps: revised draft list of conservation measures for the EG in March 2017 final list of conservation measures ready by the end of April 2017