Character, Intellectual, and Spiritual Development of Students through Service Learning
Service-Learning at PBA
SACSCOC Update Carolanne Brown Assistant Provost for Accreditation and Assessment SACSCOC Liaison
Assessment Plan Updates Dr. Angie McDonald Associate Professor of Psychology Co-Chair of the QEP Marcus Braziel Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Program Learning Outcomes Methods of Assessment QEP event attendance tracking Faculty surveys NSSE/FSSE Service-Learning presentations and publications Community Partner Feedback Survey Disaggregate comparisons GPA Retention Service-Learning rubric assessment Senior exit interviews NASCE 1. Awareness of concept and practice 2. Enhanced curricular experiences 3. Faculty training and support 4. Student retention, performance and development
Student Learning Outcomes Methods of Assessment Critical Reflection Student Participant Survey Observations of empathy Disaggregate comparisons SpiritPulse Attachment to God Inventory 1. Character 2. Intellectual 3. Spiritual
SpiritPulse Fall 2018 Results 46% student response rate for daytime undergraduate freshmen and seniors 82% of students responded good or great on overall spiritual well-being 78% of students responded good or great on overall well-being Developed by Todd Hall at Biola University, SpiritPulse is a shorter version of the Spiritual Transformation Inventory (STI), a national survey on the student relationship with God, spiritual life programs, and overall well-being. SpiritPulse and STI have been used by over 70 colleges and organizations and over 32,000 individuals.
First Year Implementation Dr. Tom St. Antoine Professor of Communication Co-Chair of the QEP
2018-2019 Implementation Timeline
Faculty Implementer Training Dr. David Horkott Associate Professor of Philosophy Service-Learning Fellow
Q&A Thank you for attending!