Harrysmuir Primary SHANARRI Assembly Friday 9th September 2016
What is SHANARRI? SHANARRI is an acronym; this means the initial letters of a set of words have been used to make a new word. The words that make up SHANARRI are about your wellbeing. Adults can use SHANARRI to check on your wellbeing. Something wrong in any of these areas indicates to an adult that you might need help or support.
SHANARRI Safe Healthy Achieving Nurtured Active Respected Responsible Included
SHANNARI SONG Chorus- Hello sunshine. Hello blue sky S-H-A-N-A-R-R-I We’re safe and we’re healthy and achieving We’re nurtured and we’re active every day Respected you can see. Responsible are we When everyone’s included we can be happy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEolEGlhaas
SHANARRI at Harrysmuir You can bring in an achievement certificate to celebrate any achievement at home or in school. They are attached to a coloured jigsaw piece linked to SHANARRI and shared on our ‘You fit right in’ wall.