Disclaimers We ALL (to a lesser or greater degree) will ALWAYS battle discouragements in this world filled with sin. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. That said, the following are biblical means employed by God’s faithful to get through moments of discouragement.
Discouragement Sources Our own sins and its consequences. Gen 4:9-14; Matt 26-27:1-5 The sins of others and consequences that affect us. Josh 7:5-11 Life Circumstances. Luke 13:1-4 Unfulfilled expectations. Acts 15:36-40 Feeling discouraged for doing what is right. Psalm 142
The battle within our mind The battle of discouragement is real: and seemingly impossible to overcome the longer we’re in this state. Reality vs. perceived reality: its hard to see reality from God’s point of view. Cp. Gen 12-22 Limited control: the need to control outcomes heightens the discouragement when the outcome doesn’t go as we’d like.
Practical Considerations Psalm 142; Philippians 4:4-8 Don’t dwell in discouragement. Owning your part: if it be repentance, forgiveness, etc. Count your blessings. Be intentional about “living” and “rejoicing” in the Lord. Trust in the Lord. Be intentional about letting go of things that are out of your control.