Magpie your Vocabulary Make your writing magical!
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Useful Words friends group chatting bored discussion stories waiting deciding thinking stare quietly enemies argument ignore imagine crouch lean gaze
Useful Words score shot concentrate patience balance goal shoot reach stretch jump proud pass bounce hoop poise focus spotlight win
Useful Words excitement surprise reaching hungry shriek shout chew sharing gentle friendly glass sunshine joyful thrilled munch handfuls contented glorious
Useful Words Summer foamy gentle relax sunshine ripples approaching leisurely soft sparkle curls breeze together footsteps clear beaming heat paddle
Useful Words juicy crunch joy delicious dripping luscious flesh watery smooth picnic favourite red jewels drops sticky never ending gigantic moist succulent
Useful Words pedal shining smiling pleased faster pumping looking passing grin behind ahead trundle gleaming bright dazzling jolly independent secure
Magpie your Vocabulary Presentation ©Bev Evans, 2011 Quit