Lack of Vnn1 is associated with the development of aggressive skin STS. Lack of Vnn1 is associated with the development of aggressive skin STS. (A) Survival curves of p16/p19/Vnn1−/− (n = 30) versus p16/p19−/− (n = 17) mice (Log rank test P = 0.032). (B) Anatomopathological typing after hematoxylin/eosin staining of tumor sections and distribution of spontaneously grown tumors in mice sacrificed at 200 d; photos represent the most frequent tumor types observed in p16/p19−/− (lymphoma) and p16/p19/Vnn1−/− (STS) tumors (magnification 200× and 400×). (C) Quantification of collagen I and α-smooth muscle actin transcripts by qRT–PCR analysis of available subcutaneous Vnn1−/− or Vnn1+/+ STS tumors graded by histology (fibrosarcomas from grade FI–FIII). (D) Distribution of metastasis-free survival in patients grouped according to the relative level of VNN1 transcript abundance in the sarcoma database. Caroline Giessner et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800073 © 2018 Naquet et al.