Cruise Plan for R/V Mirai Arctic Cruise in 2010 Motoyo Itoh (, T. Kikuchi, S. Nishino, J. Inoue, Y. Kawaguchi and M.E. Hori JAMSTEC, Japan
R/V Mirai Arctic Cruise in summer 2010 Sekinehama, Japan on August 25 Dutch Harbor, US, on September 2 Arctic Ocean (45 days) Dutch Harbor, US, on October 16
Expand the target to the whole of the Pacific Arctic Ocean. JAMSTEC-DFO collaboration since 2002 Expand the target to the whole of the Pacific Arctic Ocean. R/V Mirai Makarov Basin Canada Basin CCGS Louis S. St. Laurent Chukchi Sea Alaska Siberia 3
R/V Mirai Arctic Cruise in 2010 2010/9/2 Dutch Harbor~10/16 Dutch Harbor Hydrographic observation that covers the entire Makarov Basin Mooring Array to monitor Pacific water inflow through Barrow Canyon Mooring with Sediment Trap to examine biological activity. Makarov Basin Canada Basin Chukchi Sea Alaska Siberia Mooring with IPS to examine the sea ice thickness and mixed layer development. 4
Summary of measurements of R/V Mirai 2010 Radiosonde, Doppler radar, could radar, other meteorological observations CTD with LADCP, XCTD Turbulence measurements by TurboMAP Mooring and Surface buoy operations Water sampling for Sal, Oxy, Nut, Chl-a, alkalinity, TOC, POC, del-O18 Carbon uptake experiments Underway measurement by ship-mounted ADCP, surface water monitoring system (T,S,DO etc), surface meteorology monitoring Bio-optical observation PI: Dr. Hirawake @Hokkiado Univ Zoo plankton net tows PI: Dr. Yamaguchi @Hokkaido Univ Mooring deployment (with two sediment traps) PI: Dr. Harada @JAMSTEC Microbial communities observation PI: Dr. Utsumi @ Tsukuba Univ Piston corings PI: Dr. Uchida @ National Institute for Environmental Study