Flexible Instructional Day Dear Parents/Guardians, In the event that Seneca Valley has more than two snow cancellations they will implement a FID. These FIDs will involve completing assignments at home in place of making up the school day on a future date. Students are to complete one assignment for reading, math and social studies. The assignments and printouts will be activated on the day of a FID and can be found on the Portal gradebook under each subject, if needed. (Directions on how to access these files are attached on the back.) Students will also be required to complete an assignment from their special area teacher that they are scheduled with that day. Please contact that special area teacher with questions about those particular assignments. Third grade teachers will be available via email from 9:00-11:00am on these days. If you have any questions after that time, we will be periodically checking our email and will get back to you. Please note that students have 10 instructional days to turn in all assignments although it is recommended that students turn them in upon return to school. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Stay Warm! Third Grade Teachers Contact Info: Mrs. Schmidt: schmidtne@svsd.net Mrs. Johnson: johnsonrm@svsd.net Mrs. Cornibe: cornibeml@svsd.net Mrs. Harlan: harlandk@svsd.net Mrs. Drennan: drennanes@svsd.net Ms. Sloan: sloansk@svsd.net Mrs. Fabritius: fabritiusja@svsd.net Special Area Teachers: Art- Mrs. Wildrick wildrickel@svsd.net Music- Mr. Ohodnicki ohodnickijd@svsd.net Library- Mrs. Larson larsonj@svsd.net PE- Mr. Wildrick wildrickkt@svsd.net Technology- Mrs. Boburczak boburczakmc@svsd.net Spanish- Senorita Bickert bickertjl@svsd.net
Directions for Accessing Files From the Portal: 1. Go to www.svsd.net 2. Click on the SV Portal icon to the right of your screen 3. Log in as either a student or parent Student login Last name first initial middle initial Example: smithja Password: student number Parent login Access code from card sent by district or Account information you previously set up 4. Click Grades 5. Click on the correct FID assignment on the dashboard.