By: Bryan Parry
Mom (Misty) Dad (Rick) Jake (Brother) Devin (Brother) Casey (Sister) Taylor (Sister) Travis (Step Brother) Tonya (Step Mom)
Goals in 1 year Goals after High School Goals in 5 yearsGoals in 10 years Make JV Baseball Team Attend Ohio University Have a Part-Time Job Have a family and get married Make Principals List Stay in touch with High School Friends Have my own house Move to a better city with more job choices
I have a photographic memory I can take apart a computer and put it back together I can juggle 2 soccer balls at one time
More athletic Not have to wear glasses Have perfectly straight teeth
Great BritainAustraliaBrazil
Kelly Kelly Michael Hickenbottom Albert Pujols
I have a golden retriever named Rocky. Hes 9 weeks old.
Jake Parsons Zac Blair Mason Harris Dru Abrams Kendall Urey Jeremy Stewart Cole Gable Trenton Woodard Harrison Roller
Bahamas Indianapolis Myrtle Beach
The End