Comparable effects of phospholipids on the in vitro RNA-binding activities of the CIRV p95-Δ200N and the TBSV p92-Δ167N RdRp proteins. Comparable effects of phospholipids on the in vitro RNA-binding activities of the CIRV p95-Δ200N and the TBSV p92-Δ167N RdRp proteins. EMSA analysis of the in vitro binding of purified CIRV p95-Δ200N RdRp or TBSV p92-Δ167N RdRp to 32P-labeled DI-mini (+)RNA template (∼0.1 pmol). The assay contained the shown phospholipids added in comparable amounts (70 μM). The free or the RdRp-bound ssRNA was separated on nondenaturing 5% acrylamide gels. Each experiment was repeated at least two times. Judit Pogany, and Peter D. Nagy J. Virol. 2015;89:5714-5723