We are getting ready to do an assessment. Lesson 10 We are getting ready to do an assessment.
We are going to describe Charlie Bucket You will need to draw a picture of the character Charlie Bucket and describe him: what he looks like what he likes to do some information about him You can do this in a poster, in a PowerPoint or a talk. It is up to you to decide how to share the information.
Task specific clarification Achievement Level Level Descriptors Task specific clarification The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors. 1-2 provides minimal identification and comment upon significant aspects of texts Identify two character(s), with support Include one picture/image of each,, with support Use one detail to describe each character, with support 3-4 provides adequate identification and comment upon significant aspects of texts Identify two character(s) Include one picture/image of each Use one detail to describe each character 5-6 provides substantial identification and comment upon significant aspects of texts Identify two characters Use two details to describe each character. 7-8 provides perceptive identification and comment upon significant aspects of texts Use three details to describe each character.
Homework Quizlet for lesson 10 https://quizlet.com/_4seccz