Serous Okapis By Annabel May 7,2018
Okapis Behavior Male okapis fight other males with their horns. Okapis are normally calm. When they are angry they kick and butt with their heads.
Okapi Appearance Okapis look like zebras at the end, but in their front they look like a horse. The Okapi’s head looks like a giraffe. They are about 4-5 feet high.
What do okapis eat? Okapis eat leaves, grass, ferns, and fruit. The Okapi is heard to be eating over 100 species of plants.
Okapis Enemies King Cheetah Lepers Other forest cats Humans
Facts about Okapis A okapi can be called African Unicorn. That’s why they said it’s a myth.
Bibliography Gutfeun D, Geraldine M. Animals Have Cousins Too. New York: 1990. Print.