The Transnational Corporation Brand
The Owner(s) or Creator(s)
Its Establishment
The Location(s)
The Finances
The Transnational Corporation’s Details
The structure of you Bibliography should look like this for BOOKS: Grade Criteria Mark A PowerPoint presentation is sophisticated and thoroughly address all elements outlined Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of the content Significant evidence of higher order thinking, extensive and appropriate use of geographical terms and concepts Communicates a sustained and logical response in written and visual form Correct spelling and punctuation PowerPoint is original and the students own work Bibliography is complete. Student has used a variety of source including websites and books 17-20 The structure of you Bibliography should look like this for BOOKS: Last name, First Initial. (Year). Title. Location: Publisher Example: Daly, K. (2014). Legal Studies. Rutherford: Rutherford Technology High School The structure of you Bibliography should look like this for Websites: Website Name site accessed on: Date. Example: site accessed on: 24/02/2015.