Industry WG Update Jonathan Pearce OBJECTIVE OF THE EXERCISE – increase industry participation in AMR research
The collaboration between JPIAMR and Industry aims to: Integrate innovation into the JPIAMR Strategic Research Agenda and Roadmap Engage industrial partners - and especially SMEs - to participate in JPIAMR calls Collaborate and develop partnerships with the international AMR drug development funding initiatives Facilitate the translation of research outcomes into further industrial development Expand the scope of industrial participation in AMR research Industry WG ensured that Innovation was considered and incorporated in the SRiA refresh We have engaged with industrial partners, through participation in IMI, and consultation with BEAM, FPIA and participation in industry-focussed meetings such as BIOCOM 2019. JPIAMR is supporting the translational pipeline of AMR R&D through participation in an AMR Education Initiative with CARB-X, WT, GARDP and the Novo Repair Impact Fund. Supporting a translational pipeline for AMR therapies and diagnostics by ensuring there are no gaps in funding of pre-clinical development and championing the development of pull incentives, for example those being established in Sweden and the UK. Develop guidelines for the participation of industry in JPIAMR-funded research
Industry Work Plan Summary Industry Consultation – we will share a paper prepared by the BEAM Alliance called Supporting financial investments on R&D to de-risk antimicrobial development We have established links with drugs and diagnostics industries and looking to expand that consultation to understand the limitations and aspirations of other potential industry partners Guidelines to be shared with the core call group for input before being circulated with the wider JPIAMR membership Industry partnering tool to be developed as part of the VRI platform.