WENDWG – WENSWG Progress Report IHO INTER-REGIONAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE IRCC-10 Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019) WENDWG – WENSWG Progress Report IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)
Proposed WENS Principles - Background In support of the Council actions C2/30 and C2/31, a draft update to the WEND Principles was prepared. WENS principles intend to shift focus from ENC to comprehensive (S-100) suite of services. The WENDWG formed a drafting group to collect comments and submit a progress report to IRCC 11 C2/30 - IRCC to instruct and provide guidance to the WENDWG in order to investigate the applicability of the WEND-like Principles to the production and dissemination of S-101 ENCs and the first generation of S-100 based products and to report back at C-3 C2/31 - Council, HSSC, IRCC Chairs and SecGen to draft an implementation strategy/roadmap for a transition plan aiming to the regular and harmonized production and dissemination of S-100 based products for further discussion at A-2 and for the preparation of the 2021-2023 IHO Work Programme IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)
Proposed WENS Principles - Background WENS still encourages data availability anywhere in the world, distribution through compatible and coordinated networks, standardization, authority of service, and data protection. It also addresses the avoidance of service duplication, coordinated data management, quality management, and assistance and training. The scope should be applicable to ENCs (S-57 and S-101) and to other services needed for safe, legal, and efficient marine operations by all classes of vessels. While not explicit in the document, of the standards now under development, it would include those intended for front of bridge use, and being addressed in the interoperability standards (S-101, S-102, S-104, S-111, S-122 (MPAs), S-124 (navigation warnings), and S-412 (weather warnings). The proposal envisions wordwide coordinated services, so that duplication of services (which could be inconsistent, inefficient, or confusing) is avoided. The proposal envisions a worldwide integrated dissemination system, so that users can become aware of, and gain access to compatible services worldwide. The proposal considers navigation use of these services, most of which are also expected to have some manifestation in national or regional MSDI efforts. The proposal is silent on the provision of this information in the MSDI context, though the same dissemination systems used for maritime navigation use may readily be extended for non-navigation use. MSDI also has standardization, coordination, and data access considerations, and scope beyond these specific services. There is a mention of capacity building, which is intended to establish that CB efforts are needed to support these additional services. It is recognized that this proposal expands the scope of navigation services to include some oceanographic and meteorological services that are critical for safe navigation. Given the opportunity for these services to distributed together, there is an opportunity to consider them together here. If the IHO takes on this wider coordination role, it will necessarily also expand our circles of collaboration to those agencies expert in these services. IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)
IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019) Analysis Comments received from six member state, five of which volunteered to be members of the drafting group. Comments were generally positive with some notes of caution regarding scope and timing. IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)
IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019) Comments Implementation cannot be separated from having final approval of the IHO Strategy at Assembly 2 and should reference the S-100 Strategic Implementation Plan WENS should focus on the S-100 services that support “Blue Growth” and highlight “Maritime Knowledge” that is both hydrographic and non-hydrographic Further analysis is required, with recommendation that the unsuccessful aspects of WEND be considered – remaining gaps in ENC coverage, overlapping data, information overlays, etc. IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)
IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019) Comments RENCs have been successful with ENC distribution so should be well suited to assist with WENS implementation Need to prioritize the future potential of the WENS workload but leave the prioritization of the WENS work to its work plan rather than its principles. IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)
IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019) Comments Considerable concern with coordinating services Service Providers may be confused with VARs Overlaps with ENCs have not been resolved, other services may be more difficult Some S-100 based services may sit outside the RHC domain, for example weather The IMO e-navigation Strategy provides a policy umbrella for WENS - which services will fit under WENS? MSP 5 - Maritime Safety Information MSP 11 - Nautical Chart Service MSP 12 - Nautical Publications S-100 services that are in this scope for WENS are S-101, S-102, S104, S-111, S-121, S121, S122, S-123, S125, (S-126), S-127, S-128 and S129. IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)
IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019) Conclusions Though there is strong support for the WENDWG to evolve into the WENSWG, there is still work to be done on the WENS Principles. It is very important to consider the work of the RENCs during the drafting process and to learn from the previous successes and failures of the WEND Principles. There may need to be some consideration regarding the governance of the WENS- development. WENS may not be considered to be purely an RHC issue but one that is more pertinent to individual member states. If that is the case, which body should lead its implementation, the IRCC or the Council? IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)
Considerations - not in paper In forming a WENSWG, will we hamper progress (and limit competition) from the private sector? What is the appropriate role for the private sector? Is the WENDWG the proper place to build the WENS? Cons Is the current membership best suited to consider WENS? The WEND still has challenges to overcome. Pros Takes advantage of lessons learned by WENDWG Takes advantage of existing structure IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)
IRCC Actions Requested note this paper approve the general direction of the proposed transition from WEND to WENS provide preferences regarding the scope and direction of the WENS Principles consider which body should direct WENS progress, IRCC or Council instruct the drafting group how to proceed with regard to the pending IHO Strategy and the S-100 Strategic Implementation Plan IRCC-11, Genova, Italy (3-5 June 2019)