Basic Information Ing Simon Kloppenburg Advisor Airport Development Curacao Airport Holding
Airport Complex Curacao Airport Holding is owner of the airport assets and its surrounding areas Area A includes the airport terminal, airport runway and all other airport facilities directly related to the airport operations. The operations of the airport and area A used to fall under responsibility of Hato International Airport (HIA) a.k.a. Curinta N.V. Area B&C is about 450 HA land surrounding de airport area. 200 Ha is available for development of aviation related or spin-off business. The development of area B&C used to fall under responsibility of Hato Area Development Company (Hadco)
Vision & Mission Vision Mission Curacao International Airport is the most efficient, provides the highest quality of service worldwide and is first in the number of passengers and cargo volume (in the Caribbean) and be recognized globally as one of the top international airport Hubs for trusted, value-generating airport services ….. as laid out in the Logistic Hub Plan and approved by the Executive Counsel, date 01.11.2006 Mission Since CAH has chosen to attain her objectives by attracting outside knowledge and resources for the operational and development activities that formally were assigned to HIA and Hasco, the main purpose of her activities is to manage her daughter companies and to monitor and stimulate sufficient output through the concessions that these organization have with the strategic partners. To manage HIA and Hasco in order to develop and maintain the Curacao Airport Complex into the number one Logistic Aviation Center in the Caribbean
Relation CAH - CAP The relationship between CAH and CAI is governed by the DOMA (Development, Operation and Maintenance Agreement) for the management of the airport and area A (formally under Curinta N.V.) and by the Lease Agreement for the development of the land (area B & C, also known as Hadco territory) surrounding the airport (formally under Hasco N.V.).
Roles & responsibilities CAH distinguishes the following 5 tasks: Supervision on Concessionaire(s) Rendering advice to Concessionaire(s) Facilitating matters to Concessionaire(s) Financing or participation in projects or other companies. Mediation between stakeholders, government and customers. Subject supervision Advise Facilitate Finance Mediation Construction Terminal (finished in 2006) X (X) Maintenance Airport Exploitation Airport Development Airport City (CARE) CAH (Curacao Airport Holding): Ensure optimization of value of the assets and transferability at the end of concession period Supervision contract concessionaire
Core Processes Core Processes Airport Operations Outsourcing, supervision, stimulation and facilitation of the daily operations Airport City Development Outsourcing, supervision, stimulation and facilitation of the development of the Hadco territory Asset Management Besides managing the operations and development activities, Curaçao Airport Holding distinguishes also the importance of becoming a strong and recognized organization in order to realize and protect the long term Island vision for the airport. Further more it foresees an important role in restructuring the aviation industry to optimize the facilitation of the developments and wants to actively attract international (transshipment) business in order to exceed the growth of the local economy Operations It is her responsibility to ensure the compliance with contractual obligations as set out in the DOMA. As partner CAH must facilitate where possible to meet and exceed all expectations and mediate between all stakeholders and protect the overall Island interest in case of differences. Development CAH believes that the development of the logistical hub function of the airport and the `Airport City’ will give an impulse to the airport, which is more important to Curacao than the expected turnover of the tourist sector alone. It is her responsibility to monitor that all contractual obligations are met and to ensure these developments to contribute to the growth of the airport complex and the Island economy. To establish a strong and recognized organization that supervises the strategic partners and ensures return on investments Economic Development Initiation of the restructuring of the aviation industry and attracting of new international ‘transfer and transshipment’ business