Chapter 6: Osseous Tissue & Bone Structure
Homeostasis Provides support & protection Produces blood cells Stores minerals & triglycerides
Functions of Bone Support Protection Assistance in movement Structural framework of body Supports soft tissue & provides attachment points for muscles Protection Protects important organs with rib cage & skull Assistance in movement Muscles attached to bones & pull on them Mineral homeostasis Stores several minerals, Ca2+ & P Release on demand Blood cell production In red bone marrow Triglyceride storage In yellow bone marrow
An Introduction to Bone Markings Openings Sinus: Chamber within a bone, normally filled with air Elevations and Projections Foramen: Rounded passageway for blood vessels and/or nerves Process: Projection or bump Fissure: Deep furrow, cleft, or slit Ramus: Extension of a bone that forms an angle with the rest of the structure Meatus: Passage or channel, especially the opening of a canal Skull, anterior view Canal: Duct or channel Skull, lateral view Processes formed where tendons or ligaments attach Processes formed where joints (articulations) occur between adjacent bones Trochanter: Large, rough projection Head: Expanded articular end of an epiphysis, often separated from the shaft by a narrower neck (see Figure 6–3a) Crest: Prominent ridge Spine: Pointed process Neck: Narrow connection between the epiphysis and diaphysis (see Figure 6–3a) Head Line: Low ridge Femur Tubercle: Small, rounded projection Pelvis Neck Depressions Facet: Small, flat articular surface Sulcus: Narrow groove Tuberosity: Rough projection Fossa: Shallow depression Humerus Condyle: Smooth, rounded articular process Trochlea: Smooth, grooved articular process shaped like a pulley Condyle
Bone Structure a The structure of a representative Epiphysis Spongy bone Metaphysis Compact bone Diaphysis (shaft) Medullary cavity Metaphysis Epiphysis Cortex (compact bone) Diploë (spongy bone) a The structure of a representative long bone (the femur) in longitudinal section b The structure of a flat bone (the parietal bone)
The Periosteum and Endosteum Circumferential lamellae Periosteum Endosteum Fibrous layer Osteoclast Cellular layer Bone matrix Osteocyte Canaliculi Osteogenic cell Osteocyte in lacuna Osteoid Perforating fibers Osteoblast a The periosteum contains outer (fibrous) and inner (cellular) layers. Collagen fibers of the periosteum are continuous with those of the bone, adjacent joint capsules, and attached tendons and ligaments. b The endosteum is an incomplete cellular layer containing osteoblasts, osteogenic cells, and osteoclasts.
Composition of Bone Hardness due to inorganic minerals Bone Contains Organic compounds (mostly collagen) 33% Calcium 39% Potassium 0.2% Sodium 0.7% Magnesium 0.5% Carbonate 9.8% Phosphate 17% Total inorganic 67% components 99% of the body’s Calcium 4% of the body’s Potassium 35% of the body’s Sodium 50% of the body’s Magnesium 80% of the body’s Carbonate 99% of the body’s Phosphate Hardness due to inorganic minerals Flexibility due to collagen
Types of Bone Cells Canaliculi Osteocyte Matrix Matrix Osteoid Osteoblast Osteoblast: Immature bone cell that secretes osteoid, the organic component of bone matrix Osteocyte: Mature bone cell that maintains the bone matrix Osteogenic cell Osteoclast Matrix Medullary cavity Medullary cavity Endosteum Osteogenic cell: Stem cell whose divisions produce osteoblasts Osteoclast: Multinucleate cell that secretes acids and enzymes to dissolve bone matrix
Osteoprogenitor Cells Unspecialized stem cells derived from mesenchyme Undergo cell division producing osteoblasts Osteogenic cell Medullary cavity Endosteum Osteogenic cell: Stem cell whose divisions produce osteoblasts
Osteoblasts Osteoblast: Immature bone cell Bone building cells Synthesize & secrete collagen & other organic components for matrix Osteoblast: Immature bone cell that secretes osteoid, the organic component of bone matrix Matrix Osteoid Osteoblast
Osteocytes Canaliculi Osteocyte Matrix Osteocyte: Mature bone cell Mature bone cells that maintain daily metabolism No cell division Canaliculi Osteocyte Matrix Osteocyte: Mature bone cell that maintains the bone matrix
Osteoclasts Osteoclast: Multinucleate cell Derived from fusion of macrophages Mostly in endosteum Digests bone tissue, called resorption Osteoclast: Multinucleate cell that secretes acids and enzymes to dissolve bone matrix Matrix Osteoclast Medullary cavity
The Structure of Compact Bone Central canal Venule Circumferential lamellae Capillary Concentric lamellae Osteons Periosteum Perforating fibers Endosteum Interstitial lamellae Concentric lamellae Trabeculae of spongy bone (see Fig. 6–7) Collagen fiber orientation Vein Artery Arteriole Central canal Perforating canal a The organization of osteons and lamellae in compact bone b The orientation of collagen fibers in adjacent lamellae
Figure 6-5 The Histology of Compact Bone. Central canal Osteon Canaliculi Lacunae Concentric lamellae Central canals Osteon Lamellae Lacunae Osteon LM × 343 Osteons SEM × 182 a A thin section through compact bone. By this procedure the intact matrix making up the lamellae appear white, and the central canal, lacunae, and canaliculi appear black due to the presence of bone dust. b Several osteons in compact bone.
The Structure of Spongy Bone Trabeculae of spongy bone Canaliculi opening on surface Endosteum Lamellae
Figure 6-8 The Distribution of Forces on a Long Bone. Body weight (applied force) Tension on lateral side of shaft Compression on medial side of shaft
Figure 6-13 The Blood Supply to a Mature Bone. Vessels in Bone Articular cartilage Epiphyseal artery and vein Metaphyseal artery and vein Branches of nutrient artery and vein Periosteum Compact bone Nutrient artery and vein Medullary cavity Periosteal arteries and veins Nutrient foramen Periosteum Connections to superficial osteons Metaphysis Metaphyseal artery and vein Epiphyseal line
Ossification Bone formation or osteogenesis Occurs During initial formation in embryo Endochondral Intramembranous For growth of bones Remodeling of bones Repair of fractures
Endochondral Ossification
Intramembranous Ossification 1 Mesenchymal cells cluster together, differentiate into osteoblasts, and start to secrete the organic components of the matrix. The resulting osteoid then becomes mineralized with calcium salts forming bone matrix. Bone matrix Osteoid Mesenchymal cell Parietal bone Ossification center Blood vessel Frontal bone Osteoblast Occipital bone 2 As ossification proceeds, some osteoblasts are trapped inside bony pockets where they differentiate into osteo- cytes. The developing bone grows outward from the ossification center in small struts called spicules. Spicules Mandible Intramembranous ossification starts about the eighth week of embryonic development. This type of ossification occurs in the deeper layers of the dermis, forming dermal bones. Osteocyte 3 Blood vessels begin to branch within the region and grow between the spicules. The rate of bone growth accelerates with oxygen and a reliable supply of nutrients. As spicules interconnect, they trap blood vessels within the bone. Blood vessel trapped within bone matrix 4 Continued deposition of bone by osteoblasts located close to blood vessels results in a plate of spongy bone with blood vessels weaving throughout. 5 Subsequent remodeling around blood vessels produces osteons typical of compact bone. Osteoblasts on the bone surface along with connective tissue around the bone become the periosteum. Fibrous periosteum Blood vessels trapped within bone matrix Areas of spongy bone are remodeled forming the diploë and a thin covering of compact (cortical) bone. Cellular periosteum
Interstitial Growth 6 The epiphyses eventually become filled with spongy bone. The metaphysis, a relatively narrow cartilaginous region called the epiphyseal cartilage, or epiphyseal plate, now separates the epiphysis from the diaphysis. On the shaft side of the metaphysis, osteoblasts continuously invade the cartilage and replace it with bone. New cartilage is produced at the same rate on the epiphyseal side. Articular cartilage Spongy bone Epiphyseal cartilage Diaphysis Within the epiphyseal cartilage, the chondrocytes are organized into zones. Chondrocytes at the epiphyseal side of the cartilage continue to divide and enlarge. Chondrocytes degenerate at the diaphyseal side. Osteoblasts migrate upward from the diaphysis and cartilage is gradually replaced by bone. Occurs at epiphyseal plate or growth plate in metaphysis Growth in length Layers of cartilage in 4 zones Zone of resting cartilage Anchors plate to epiphysis Zone of proliferating cartilage Chondrocytes dividing & grow Zone of hypertrophic cartilage Chondrocytes enlarge Zone of calcified cartilage Chondrocytes are dead due to calcification around them Osteoclasts dissolve calcified cartilage Osteoblasts lay down new bone tissue
Figure 6-10 Bone Growth at an Epiphyseal Cartilage. An x-ray of growing epiphyseal cartilages (arrows) b Epiphyseal lines in an adult (arrows)
Appositional Growth Growth in thickness Occurs at periosteum
Bone Remodeling Replacement of old bone tissue with new Involves bone resorption by osteoclasts & bone deposition by osteoblasts
Factors Affecting Growth & Remodeling Minerals Ca2+ P Mg2+ Fl Mn Vitamins Vit A Stimulates osteoblasts Vit C Needed for collagen Vit D For absorption of Ca2+ Vit K & B12 Synthesis of bone proteins Hormones Insulin-like growth factors from hGH Stimulates osteoblasts & protein synthesis Thyroid Stimulates osteoblasts Insulin Synthesis of proteins Sex hormones Weight bearing exercise Bones respond to stresses placed on them Helps maintain density
Table 6-1 Hormones Involved in Bone Growth and Maintenance.
Calcium Homeostasis Bones stores about 99% of body’s Ca2+ Ca2+ needed for Nerve & muscle function Blood clotting Cofactor for many enzymes Blood level is closely regulated at 9-11 mg/dl
Low Calcium Ion Levels in Blood Calcium absorbed quickly Figure 6-15a Factors That Alter the Concentration of Calcium Ions in Blood. a Factors That Increase Blood Calcium Levels These responses are triggered when blood calcium ion concentrations decrease below 8.5 mg/dL. Low Calcium Ion Levels in Blood (below 8.5 mg/dL) Parathyroid Gland Response Low calcium levels cause the parathyroid glands to secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH Bone Response Intestinal Response Kidney Response Osteoclasts stimulated to release stored calcium ions from bone Rate of intestinal absorption of calcium increases Kidneys retain calcium ions Osteoclast more Bone calcitriol Calcium released Calcium absorbed quickly Calcium conserved Decreased calcium loss in urine Ca2+ levels in blood increase
High Calcium Ion Levels in Blood Calcium absorbed slowly Figure 6-15b Factors That Alter the Concentration of Calcium Ions in Blood. b Factors That Decrease Blood Calcium Levels These responses are triggered when blood calcium ion concentrations increase above 11 mg/dL. High Calcium Ion Levels in Blood (above 11 mg/dL) Thyroid Gland Response Parafollicular cells (C cells) in the thyroid gland secrete calcitonin. Calcitonin Bone Response Intestinal Response Kidney Response Osteoclasts inhibited while osteoblasts continue to lock calcium ions in bone matrix Rate of intestinal absorption of calcium decreases Kidneys allow calcium loss less Bone calcitriol Calcium absorbed slowly Calcium excreted Calcium stored Increased calcium loss in urine Ca2+ levels in blood decrease
Fracture Any break in a bone Repair process divided into 4 phases Establishment of a fracture hematoma Soft callus formation Hard callus formation Remodeling
Fracture Hematoma 1 Fracture hematoma formation. Fracture hematoma Dead bone Bone fragments 1 Fracture hematoma formation.
Soft Callus Formation 2 Callus formation. Spongy bone of Cartilage of internal callus Cartilage of external callus Spongy bone of external callus Periosteum 2 Callus formation.
Bony Callus Formation 3 Spongy bone formation. Internal callus External callus Spongy bone formation. 3
Remodeling Phase External callus 4 Compact bone formation.
Types of Fractures Transverse fracture Spiral fracture Displaced fracture Compression fracture Epiphyseal fracture Comminuted fracture Pott’s fracture Greenstick fracture Colles fracture
Effects of Aging Loss of bone mass Brittleness From demineralization From decreased rate of protein synthesis Lose tensile strength from lack of collagen
Osteoporosis Bone resorption outpaces bone deposition Risk factors include Woman Family history European or Asian descent Thin or small build Inactive Cigarette smoker Diet low in Ca2+ & vit D More than 2 alcoholic drink/day Early menopause Normal spongy bone SEM × 25 Spongy bone in osteoporosis SEM × 21
Figure 6-1 A Classification of Bones by Shape. (a) Sutural Bones (d) Flat Bones Sutural bones, or Wormian bones, are small, flat, oddly shaped bones found between the flat bones of the skull. They range in size from a grain of sand to a quarter. Their borders are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Sutural bone Flat bones have thin, parallel surfaces. Flat bones form the roof of the skull, the sternum (breastbone), the ribs, and scapulae (shoulder blades). They provide protection for underlying soft tissues and offer an extensive surface area for the attachment of skeletal muscles. Sutures Parietal bone Sectional view (b) Irregular Bones (e) Long Bones Irregular bones have complex shapes with short, flat, notched, or ridged surfaces. The vertebrae that form the spinal column, the bones of the pelvis, and several bones in the skull are examples of irregular bones. Long bones are relatively long and slender. They are located in the arm and forearm, thigh and leg, palms, soles, fingers, and toes. The femur, the long bone of the thigh, is the largest and heaviest bone In the body. Vertebra Humerus (c) Short Bones (f) Sesamoid Bones Short bones are boxlike in appearance. Examples of short bones include the carpal bones (wrists) and tarsal bones (ankles). Sesamoid bones are usually small, round, and flat. They develop inside tendons and are most often encountered near joints at the knee, the hands, and the feet. Few individuals have sesamoid bones at every possible location, but everyone has sesamoid patellae (pa-TEL-e; singular, patella, a small shallow dish), or kneecaps. Carpal bones Patella –