Character Strong Unit 3: Lesson 7 How GREAT LEADERS INSPIRE ACTION
Essential Trait = Commitment Read = X (if you read the whole dare) TRACK YOUR WORK Essential Trait = Commitment Read = X (if you read the whole dare) Complete = X (if you did) Incomplete = X (if you did not) Comment = How did it go or why didn’t you do it?
We now know that…Leadership is all about relationships We now know that The… Definition of leadership is influence We now know that … INFLUENCE CAN BE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE We now know that … A POSITIVE LEADER SHOWS TRAITS OF A STRONG CHARACTER We now know that … CHARACTER IS WHO YOU ARE BASED ON THE THOUSANDS OF CHOICES YOU MAKE EVERYDAY
TODAY YOU WILL… Reflect daily on their own character and identify ways they could improve it. Understand how the golden circle works in the context of leadership. Know the “Why” of your teacher.
The Golden Circle In your Notebooks write the following sentence starters: The speaker’s thesis or main point was… In 20 words or less, the Golden Circle is… What are the pros and cons of the speaker’s Golden Circle idea?
NOBODIES LETTER Do you think it is a good or bad thing to know your ‘Why?’ Explain your answer. Have you ever known someone whom you feel had a very clear ‘Why’ that drove their daily actions in life? What was it about them that told you they had a clear ‘Why’? If the everyone’s ‘Why’ in our school was simply because they have to show up each day, we might easily miss the bigger picture…
NOBODIES LETTER What does the author of this letter believe? Do you believe the same thing as the author? Why or Why not? Do you think there are people even in our class that are made to feel this way? Why or Why not? What changes to how people interact with others in our school would you change for people to not feel the way this author feels? What would happen in our school if everyone made sure that nobody felt like a “nobody”?
In your Leadership Notebook WHAT IS YOUR WHY STATEMENT? I want to use my influence to ____________ because I believe ____________________.