Staff & Pupil Bulletin No. 37 Bannerman High School Bannerman High School Staff & Pupil Bulletin No. 37 Monday 27 May 2019 NOTICES TO BE READ TO PUPILS : Assemblies for week beginning Monday 27 May 2019: Year Group S1 Theme: Our Achievements Tuesday Livingstone & Mackintosh Wednesday Burns &Napier Thursday Telford & Wallace Respect Responsibility Ambition
Respect Responsibility Ambition Bannerman High School SQA Exams The exams are still on – but they are now located in the Staffroom, E10 and E11. Please respect your fellow students by staying out of this corridor at all times. Thank you Respect Responsibility Ambition
Respect Responsibility Ambition Bannerman High School Our school uniform is: a school blazer a school tie white shirt plain black V-neck jumper or cardigan black school trousers or skirt Blazers and PE t-shirts on sale Saturday 1st June- 10-12pm Friday 14th June- 3-4.30pm Tuesday 18th June- 5.30-7pm Tuesday 23rd July- 10-11am Respect Responsibility Ambition
Respect Responsibility Ambition Bannerman High School A big thank you and well done to everyone from S1 and S3 who came along to help out at our P7 Parents’ Evening last week. You all did a fantastic job of showing off Bannerman High! Respect Responsibility Ambition
Respect Responsibility Ambition Bannerman High School S3 SHOWCASE - VOLUNTEERS. Ms Buchan and Ms McKnight are looking for volunteers to help with the S3 showcase for Biology/Chemistry/Physics and Lab skills. Would any pupil interested in being part of demonstrations or running the stalls please attend a meeting at lunch time on Tuesday 28 May in Ms Buchan's room - bring along your lunch. Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Please see below for important information regarding events happening next week: Thursday 30th May - Social Media Session in Workshop Theatre for all S1 pupils as follows: Period 4- 1B1, 1L1,1M1,1N1 Period 5- 1T1,1T2,1W1,1W2 Class teacher should accompany pupils to the theatre- register in theatre. Each session will last 40-45 minutes. Friday 31st May - S3 Standardised Testing will take place during periods 2-5 (seating plans and instructions will be issued to English and Maths departments separately in advance) Pupils will be given room information from English or Maths teacher w/c Tuesday 28th May.