KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 What is KAPOW? KIDS AND THE POWER OF WORK introduces students to career awareness through professionally developed lessons taught by business volunteers in the classroom. My name is Ana Cerqueira and I am a volunteer for this Program!
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Quiz: What does this picture mean?
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 What is communication? Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. The exchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs. Communication is a means of connecting people.
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Quiz: What is the difference between these pictures?
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Quiz: What is the difference between hearing and listening? Hearing is simply the act of perceiving sound by the ear. Involuntary. Listening is something you consciously choose to do. Focused. Voluntary.
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Let me tell you a secret… It is simply impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator! MALALA YOUSAFAZI – Modern Symbol of Influence. Recipient of the UN 2013 Human Rights Prize and the youngest Nobel Prize Nominee ever at 16, Malala is a modern symbol of influence and inspiration. NELSON MANDELA – Icon of Unrelenting Dedication. Nelson Mandela was not only a unique and inspiring world leader, he was also a consummate communicator.
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 First Lady Michelle Obama consistently communicates to influence. Michelle Obama captures her audience by being articulate, down to earth, informal and humble. Chris Anderson is the founder of the wildly popular TED Talks. He is a visionary who uses speaking and video communication to contribute to the world around him. Steve Jobs was the rare one who created and developed vision, communicated it clearly and colorfully, and then led to completion. He not only transformed technology and the way we live, but he also transformed the way business communicates.
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Oprah Winfrey is an ultimate communicator who has reached millions of people. She has built trust through honesty, passion and the ability to reveal herself. Richard Branson, in a world that judges quickly, has that smile that immediately engages and draws his audience right in. We can’t help but get excited and get on-board with whatever he brings us. Robin Williams epitomized a critical skill of all top communicators – spontaneity and the ability to live in the moment. He took what came at him, and made it work. We coached executives and business people to lighten up, to use humor, and to be spontaneous.
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 So how do we communicate? http://youtu.be/hL5OTKJhcI4
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Quiz: What are the ways (medium) that we can communicate? Spoken or Verbal Communication: face-to-face, telephone, radio or television and other media. Non-Verbal Communication: body language, gestures, how we dress or act - even our scent (smell). Written Communication: letters, e-mails, books, magazines, the Internet or via other media. Visualizations: graphs and charts, maps, logos and other visualizations can communicate messages.
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Quiz: What type of communication medium are these ones? Communication Medium One-Way (Send or Receive) Two-Way (Send and Receive) Telephone e-mail Fax Internet (YouTube, per example) Twitter Book Game Radio Outdoor Poster Live Comedy Show TV Show Text Message (SMS) Dogs Bark Teamwork during class
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 The most effective communication is two-way! Listening Talking Agreeing Disagreeing Compromising Sharing New Ideas
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Quiz: What does this picture mean? There are barriers to communication!
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Quiz: What are some examples of barriers to communication? Physical barriers; Perceptual barriers; Emotional barriers; Cultural barriers; Language barriers; Gender barriers; and, Interpersonal barriers. http://youtu.be/PSt_op3fQck
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Challenge 5 min Game 1: Broken Telephone Four out of 40 people live on SW 5th Ave.
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 Preparation Music 3 min Game 2: Orchestra – Blue Danube https://youtu.be/kA63S8vcoJk
KAPOW – Kids and the Power of Work Lesson 7 http://youtu.be/m5yCOSHeYn4