Wood Manufacturing And Finishing Phase 6 Wood Manufacturing And Finishing
Practical Projects Barred Door Corner Cabinet Pod Table Wk 10 Assessment 14hours
Drawing Introduction to Tech drawing Title Box, Border Lines, Dimension lines. Simple geometry. Pseudo Ellipse Barred Door. Simple Perspective Sketching Furniture parts. Vertical Sections through stairs Geometric enlarging and reducing moulding. True shape of sections at raking moulding Developing true shape of cutters Wk 10 Assessment 2 hours
Theory Mod 1, 2 & 3 Ergonomics of furniture design. Furniture sizes. Furniture Terms. Hinges, locks & fittings Surface coatings and finishing. Insect attack & eradication. Timber decay & preservation. Restoration. Assessment 2hrs 30 short answer questions Questions on all aspects of module 1,2 & 3.