PROGRESS MADE BY THE TASK TEAM For the purposes of this report, progress made by the Task Team is measured against the content of the agreement establishing the Task Team and the adopted objectives of the Task Team as set out in the Process Plan.
SIGNATORIES OF THE AGREEMENT Task Team Composition SIGNATORIES OF THE AGREEMENT AD HOC MEMBERS Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent (MISA) mandated by Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department of Education Richtersveld Local Municipality SALGA Alexkor Ltd Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Department of Public Enterprises COGHSTA, Namakwa Regional Office Office of the Premier, Northern Cape Department of Public Works (National) COGHSTA, Northern Cape Department of Roads & Public Works (NC) Namakwa District Municipality Department of Economic Affairs HODs of all provincial departments SANPARKS Other
The Role of MISA The core of MISA’s role is indicated below as extracted from the Agreement but is not limited to these activities: To convene and chair monthly Task Team meetings; Address outstanding issues towards handing over of Alexander Bay Township; To prepare progress reports; To support Richtersveld Local Municipality and Alexkor in drafting a Service Level Agreement containing the conditions regarding the handover of Alexander Bay Township to the Municipality; To facilitate the process for the technical handover of the township to the municipality; Facilitate the organisation of an economic development indaba for the Richtersveld and Namakwa Community in partnership with the local economic development agencies and government departments.
Key points on facilitating the process for the technical handover of the township to the municipality The term “technical handover” includes transferring of services infrastructure and assets to the municipality. “Technical handover” must be interpreted in terms of the Deed of Settlement which requires that all services to be transferred must comply with municipal standards. Each municipal service has a land use implication. Legal transfer of land requires a SPLUMA compliant Spatial Development Framework and Land Use Management System (LUMS). The current absence of these is holding back the “technical transfer”. The spirit and purpose of the DOS must be taken into account. The accuracy of land descriptions and the needs and requirements of the intended beneficiaries must be aligned and verified. To ensure a legal process and minimize later costs (for rezoning for instance) and to ensure the long term viability of the municipality, a “Process Plan” has been developed to guide the processes and procedures.
PRIMARY ACTIVITIES OF THE TASK TEAM (1 of 3) Activity/Task Responsible Party Execution Convene monthly Task Team meetings to execute activities relating to handing over of Alexander Bay Township MISA Meetings held monthly in 2018 except for December. Up to date for 2019. Develop Process Plan for land transfer, long term economic development / sustainability and Post- mining Economic Development Plan Process Plan completed, subject to review pending signing of SLA and outcome of CPA regularisation process. Support development of Service Level Agreement between Alexkor and Richtersveld Local Municipality. Alexkor and Richtersveld Local Municipality supported by the OtP* State Law Advisor Completed, signed by Richtersveld Local Municipality. Alexkor still to sign. Support development of a MoA between Alexkor and Richtersveld Local Municipality regarding transfer of services Alexkor and Richtersveld Local Municipality supported by the OtP State Law Advisor Draft submitted to State Law Advisor Initiate processes to review Richtersveld Spatial Development Framework (SDF) to align with SPLUMA and develop a Land Use Management System (LUMS) and Scheme COGHSTA SDF Review begun. Current programme being revised for and taking over of the task by DRD&LR from April 2019. LUMS not yet funded. *OtP refers to Office of the Premier (Northern Cape)
PRIMARY ACTIVITIES OF THE TASK TEAM (2 of 3) Activity/Task Responsible Party Execution Initiate Economic Indaba (to include the entire Namakwa District) Namakwa District Municipality supported by relevant sector departments and organised commerce, industry and business as well as other interested parties Draft programme developed but not yet adopted by role players. Revision of the Namakwa Local Economic Strategy in progress. SANPARKS developed a Conservation Development Framework (CDF) which will support both the review of the SDF and economic planning. Review of Social and Labour Plan (SLP) contributions to be reconsidered. Develop proposals for an Alexander Bay Post- mining Economic Development Plan MISA supported by DPE, Alexkor, Namakwa DM, Richtersveld LM and community representative forums. Process to be undertaken in line with the envisaged economic development plan.
PRIMARY ACTIVITIES OF THE TASK TEAM (3 of 3) Activity/Task Responsible Party Execution Support processes to have licenses for services transferred from Alexkor to Richtersveld Local Municipality. This includes: Completion of EIAs for Licensing: Water Treatment Works Waste Water Treatment Works Solid Waste Management (landfill site) Cemetery An electrical assessment has to be conducted. A TOR for Eskom to undertake this assessment has been drafted and is awaiting comment from the role players. Richtersveld Local Municipality and Alexkor supported by Task Team members Memorandum of Agreement drafted by the municipality and submitted to Alexkor. Align erf numbers of Alexkor Erf Transfer Schedule for Alexander Bay to Surveyor General approved diagramme in order to be able to transfer correct properties to identified recipients. MISA supported by Alexkor and DPE, Richtersveld municipality and Namakwa District Municipality Process completed. Detail contained in next slides
LAND TO BE TRANSFERRED: ERF NUMBERS ALIGNED TO APPROVED GENERAL PLAN (1 of 3) ZONING LAND USE NUMBER OF ERVEN TRANSFER TO: Authority Zone Fire Station (Garage) 1 Richtersveld Local Municipality Fire Station (Office) Property Holding Company (CPA)* Police Station Department of Public Works Sub-station 9 Sub-station/Pump station 4 Workshop/Business Richtersveld Local Minicipality Business Zone 1 Various retail business 5 Property Holding Company (CPA) Business Zone 5 Filling Station * Fire station office should typically go with fire station facility to municipality. The detail of conditions applicable to these properties needs to be clarified.
LAND TO BE TRANSFERRED: ERF NUMBERS ALIGNED TO APPROVED GENERAL PLAN (2 of 3) ZONING LAND USE NUMBER OF ERVEN TRANSFER TO: Institutional Zone 1 School 2 Department of Education Crèche/Place of Assembly*1 Property Holding Company (CPA) Institutional Zone 2 Church 1 to be transferred to Full Gospel Church, other not specified Community Hall *2 1 Institutional Zone 3 Hospital Department of Health Open Space Zone 1 Public Places *3 67 Richtersveld Local Municipality * Open Space Zone 2 Sports/Recreation *4 5 Cemetery Richtersveld Local Municipality * DOS allocation. * 1, 2 and 4: Not certain of the intention of the DOS in allocating these to the CPA. Need to clarify. Community hall is typically a municipal function/establishment and open space/recreation typically a municipal function. 3. Most of these erven are small “in-fill” erven which will have to be maintained by the LM. The detail of conditions applicable to these properties needs to be clarified.
LAND TO BE TRANSFERRED: ERF NUMBERS ALIGNED TO APPROVED GENERAL PLAN (3 of 3) ZONING LAND USE NUMBER OF ERVEN TRANSFER TO: Residential Not on Alexkor Plan 7 Dwelling House 422 Property Holding Company (CPA) Resort Zone 1 Delwerskamp 1 Road reserves All road reserves and roads Richtersveld Local Municipality Garages/Residential 11 Residential Zone 5 Guesthouse/Flats 4 Hostels/Flats Undetermined No specific use allocated 30 The detail of conditions applicable to these properties needs to be clarified.
WAY FORWARD ACTIVITY EXPECTED OUTCOME RESPONSIBILITY PLANNED DUE DATE Signing and implementation of SLA RLM takes over services provision RLM, Alexkor 1 July 2019 SDF review process to be speeded up SPLUMA compliant and approved SDF in place CoGHSTA NC April 2020 Secure funding for the development of a Land Use Scheme. SPLUMA compliant and approved LUS in place Task Team, COGHSTA, Municipality May 2019 Completion of EIAs for Licensing Water Treatment Works, Waste Water Treatment Works, Solid Waste Management (landfill site) & Cemetery licensed and ready to be transferred to municipality Proceed with transfer of properties to the CPA Properties identified in Deed of Settlement transferred to the Property Holding Company (CPA) State attorney Uncertain, pending outcome of CPA regularisation process
WAY FORWARD ACTIVITY EXPECTED OUTCOME RESPONSIBILITY PLANNED DUE DATE Proceed with implementation of Process Plan Transfer of properties to state entities completed Transfer of infrastructure assets to RLM State attorney State attorney, Alexkor, DPE Dec 2019 Jul 2020 Initiate Economic Indaba (to include the entire Namakwa District) Namakwa District Municipality Sept 2019 (start-up) Develop proposals for an Alexander Bay Post-mining Economic Development Plan MISA, Namakwa DM, Alexkor, other interested parties Nov 2019 (start-up)
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