JAPAN Hiroshima Nagasaki On 6th and 9th August 1945 America dropped the worlds first nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 30,000 people who survived the blast died of radiation sickness. 150,000 people were killed in total.
Atomic Clouds over Hiroshima (left) and Nagasaki (right)
Chernobyl UKRANE On 26th April 1986 Reactor Number four at the Chernobyl Power plant blew up releasing radioactive debris into the atmosphere. Deaths from radiation sickness are estimated as 6,000. Cancer cases are still being discovered. Greenpeace estimates 60,000 cases of Thyroid cancer in total and 270,000 cases of all types of cancer.
UNITED KINGDOM Windscale 10th October 1957 the reactor at Windscale (now Sellafield) caught fire. Radioactive smoke was released into the atmosphere contaminating the local area. Estimates put 240 extra cases of cancer down to this incident.
Nuclear workers attempting to put out the nuclear fire in the reactor at Windscale
UNITED KINGDOM Alexander Litvinenko 1st November 2006 Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian Spy, was poisoned with Polonium-210. His death resulted from acute radiation sickness on 23rd November.
Alexander Litvenenko before (left) and after (right) being poisoned.
JAPAN Fukushima 11th March 2011 an earthquake and resulting tsunami caused three reactors at Fukushima to explode. Estimates recon 1,000 extra cancer cases and deaths.
Nuclear Explosion at Fukushima Daiichi
FRANCE Marie Curie Discovered Radium, the most radioactive element at the time. Died of cancer probably caused by exposure to ionising radiation in 1934.
Marie Curie (left) and Pierre Curie (right) handling Radium
UNITED STATES Three Mile Island 28th March 1979 partial nuclear meltdown at the nuclear power plant. Released radioactive gases into the environment. Death rates in infants below 2 years increased for two years after the accident.
Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant
BRAZIL Goiânia 13th September 1987. Radiation source stolen from abandoned hospital. 4 people died of contamination. 250 people exposed to overdose of radiation.
Cleaning up the contaminated residences at Goiânia