Model of the IMC Planning Process Budget determination ($9000.00) Develop integrated marketing communications program Advertising Sales promotion PR/ publicity Personal selling Direct marketing Internet/ interactive Develop objectives and strategy for each Relation to text This slide presents the IMC Planning Model, which is shown in Figure 1-6 and discussed on pp. 26-35. Summary Overview This slide presents the IMC Planning Model which is discussed in detail in Chapter 1. This model presents the framework for developing, implementing, evaluating, and controlling the firm’s IMC program and activities. Use of Slide This model should be reviewed very carefully to show students what is involved in the development of a complete IMC program. It presents the framework that is used for the text and presents students with the “big picture” and a roadmap of what will be covered in the course. The activities that should be performed during each of the steps shown above is detailed in the illustration on page 31 of the text. Develop message, media strategy, and tactics Integrate and implement marketing communications strategies Monitor, evaluate and control IMC Program