MACTA Pre-Conference April 10, 2019 CTE Professionalism MACTA Pre-Conference April 10, 2019
Becoming a CTE Professional Key Minnesota Resources Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Minnesota Department of Education
Becoming a CTE Professional Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Minnesota Association for Career and Technical Education (MnACTE) Minnesota Association for Career and Technical Administrators (MACTA)
Becoming a CTE Professional
Becoming a CTE Professional Becoming a CTE professional takes commitment, time, talent and participation Develop a trusted professional network Reflect on how you can keep your technical expertise current
Becoming a CTE Professional Be a part of a larger group of professionals similar to you Professional and trade organizations Improve personal and leadership skills College courses Conferences Workshops Leadership positions in organizations Participate in organizations at the local, state and national level
Becoming a CTE Professional Access professional development opportunities Stay current with the changes taking place in your content area Legislation, terminology, definitions Assist with Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) SkillsUSA, DECA, BPA, FFA, HOSA, FCCLA, Educators Rising, TSA
Becoming a CTE Professional The Perkins Coordinator Mentor/Mentee Program assists new Perkins Coordinators with the leadership skills needed to successfully administer the Carl D. Perkins federal grant, lead or influence Rigorous Program of Study curricula, and participate in regional career pathway and other initiatives related to Career and Technical Education. Modeled after the ACTE Leadership Training Program, this mentor/mentee program focuses on critical information and strategies to help new leaders succeed.
Becoming a CTE Administrator CTE teachers have little interest in moving to an administrative position Regular administrators are taking the positions, which means CTE Backgrounds are missing Local Vocational Directors Licensing
Becoming a CTE Administrator Assessing the Landscape Why CTE is different Employer Engagement Curriculum alignment Secondary and postsecondary relationships Analyzing instructional resources Professional development Funding basics
Becoming a CTE Administrator Knowledge of funding Work with existing budgets Understand CTE philosophy Investigate all revenue sources: Perkins grant, CTE Levy, grants Look ahead 1 to 2 years and 5 years