Mrs. Paulk and Mrs. Dominguez
Communication WES Webpage Will send an email this week to sign up for our Parent Teacher Conferences. WES Webpage
Rules Be respectful. Be responsible. Be safe.
Conduct Each Wednesday you will receive a conduct page in your child’s folder. Please review it, sign it and return it on Thursday. Folders not returned or not signed will result in a conduct mark.
Homework Homework will typically go home Monday-Thursday. Quality work and effort must be evident. It is not about getting answers right or wrong. It is about fulfilling daily responsibilities, and putting forth your best effort! If you miss a homework assignment, or do not meet teachers standards of effort, you will be required to stay in for study hall during recess time. *Please keep in mind, your homework may look different from other classes based on your teacher or class’ needs. *Note: Please have your child bring in a set of headphones to be used for classroom activities!
Social Studies: 4 daily, 2 major Grades Math: 6 daily, 3 major Science: 4 daily, 2 major Reading: 3 daily, 2 major Writing: 3 daily, 2 major Social Studies: 4 daily, 2 major 50% major, 50% daily
Spelling Lists will be coming home soon! Spelling words will be given each Monday, and a test will be given every Friday on the 20 words.
Late Policy/Attendance If your child arrives late for school, a parent must sign him/her in at the front desk in the office any time after 8:40. Make up work for absences is expected to be returned promptly. 1 day absence = 1 day to make up work. Late Work: 1 day late (-5 points) 2 days late (-10 points) 3 days late (grade = 0)
Home Access Center To view grades online, you will need a code. Tomball ISD Website Enter ID number and password.
You can help by working to memorize multiplication facts 0-12. How can I help at home? Math: You can help by working to memorize multiplication facts 0-12. Reading: Please make sure that you are requiring your child to read 20 minutes each night. Research has shown vast improvement in all areas of school when they are reading.
How can I help at home?
STAAR Writing: Math: Reading: Tuesday, March 28 Monday, May 8 Tuesday, May 9
Conferences Data conferences will begin Tuesday, September 20th, and will be completed by Friday, November 11th. An email will be sent to you with the link to sign up for conferences.
Questions? Please make sure you signed in on one of the Parent Orientation sign-in sheets that are circulating around the classroom .