Ed Rios & Megan Whitty Directors Jackson Band 2014-2015 Ed Rios & Megan Whitty Directors
What’s going on We are in the thick of things. Instruments should be going home daily Practice on the days you eat!!!! Are you getting my emails??????
Uniforms Beginner Band Band Polos: $18.00 Due Today Let me know if there is a problem Advanced Band Formal: Al’s Formal Wear Thursday 10/2 during class $60.00 You will be paying Al’s directly Debit/Credit please call them @ 210-525-1679
Charms Communication Calendar Other Stuff Email : Best form of communication Contact Info: Please update Inventory and Locker Info All Dates are on Charms Calendar Updated Weekly Can transfer student info to the High Schools when moving Many useful documents are on Charms Keeps me organized
Charms Tutorial http://jacksonband.weebly.com/charms.html Please take the Handout and fill out as much as possible online. This is the most helpful task at the beginning of the year.
Band Website http://jacksonband.weebly.com/ We use this instead of Teacher Web (It’s better) Check it out and refer to it for band information
Volunteering Concession Sign-Up http://jacksonband.weebly.com/concession-sign-up.html Chaperoning Please complete the NEISD criminal background check https://portal.neisd.net/vchrc/Default.aspx?SOURCE=V And………………………….
Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction January 30, 2015 Our students, parents, and community make this the successful event that it is.
Where do the funds go? Directly back to the kids Instruments for our students Expensive Supplies Replacing instruments from the 70’s and 80’s Over 1,000 dinners sold Community Event All students perform as well as our feeder High Schools
How Can You Help? Any assistance helps! Fill out the Volunteer Sheet Take our Sponsor Letter (Will be available on Website) Gift Baskets (If you see them, snag them) Ideas on getting donations Food (Pasta Sauce, Salad, Tea, Breadsticks and MEAT) Silent Auction Items
Thank You For Your Time Without your support and help, the program would not be where it is today.