America at War Chapter 20, Section 3.


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Presentation transcript:

America at War Chapter 20, Section 3

U.S. Enters Enter the war in April of 1917 In June, Wilson agrees to send a small expeditionary force to Europe It was led by General John J. Pershing

Preparing for Full War Pershing soon realized his 15,000 troops was way short, requested a million by 1918!! May 1917, Congress passes the Selective Service Act, authorizing a draft By 1918, over 24 million men had registered for the draft

American Expeditionary Force(AEF) Name of U.S. forces in WWI led by Gen. Pershing Numbered close to 3 million Included women for nursing, driving, and clerk jobs

Convoy System How to get the troops “Over there” In April of 1917 the U-boats had sunk 430 allied or neutral ships!! The convoy was troop ships surrounded by gunboats, torpedo boats, and destroyers

Soldiers in Europe Kept apart from the allied soldiers White and black soldiers separated Harlem Hell Fighters- black infantry group that fought with France and received their highest honor

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk German peace with Lenin’s Russia. Signed on March 3, 1918 ***All German troops to the western front