and transforming lives.” Martyn Oliver Chief Executive “Students first: Raising standards and transforming lives.” Martyn Oliver Chief Executive Outwood Grange Academies Trust Vision of CEO, Martyn Oliver
“Our curriculum” The focus of our curriculum has always been and will continue to be : High quality outcomes for all students
“Students first” Broad and balanced curriculum Innovative and knowledge rich Focus on the basics of English and Maths Entitlement for students to study the full EBacc In addition … More detail on all these later
The Full EBacc
“Students first” This group of subjects enables students to have greater choice at further and higher education They demonstrate rigour in your thinking They are ‘facilitating’ subjects
What is the full EBacc? English (Language or Literature) Mathematics Science x 2 History or Geography A foreign language Clarify difference between EBacc subjects (Bucket 2) and the full EBacc. Make it clear that this is a way of delivering a broad and balanced curriculum whilst ensuring positive future outcomes for students.
“Students first” ‘As a Trust which prides itself on driving up social mobility, we understand and embrace the core subjects recognising that increased attainment in these areas will not only give our children life-chances and life-choices but also facilitate this region’s/country’s future productivity. We have a duty to ensure that we give our students a love of learning and more importantly an ability to discover, internalise and apply knowledge because the knowledge economy students work within will be one of mutual learning and continuous innovation’ Sustained Improvement Plan and Prospectus 2017
What will it look like ? All students will take at least one EBacc subject If you take a language and a humanities subject, you will achieve the full EBacc All students will get the chance to study at least one non-EBacc subject if they want to No cohort is by ability Remember every student has to choose at least one EBacc – our rationale to follow
Points to consider….. GCSE grades at 5+ Full English Baccalaureate (Full EBacc) GCSE English GCSE Maths GCSE Science × 2 Humanities – GCSE History or Geography Language – GCSE French, German or Spanish GCSE grades at 5+ Potential importance of full EBacc (and Language in particular – UCL insists on a language) for University applications Science could be Double/Combined Science or 2/3 from Ph, Chem, Biol, Computer Sc all students can access this pathway and study for the full EBacc Not just about the full EBacc – these subjects individually are known as the facilitating subjects as they are good subjects that are valued in the world beyond year 11 The full EBacc is highly valued by the universities widely regarded as the top universities (Russell Group)
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