Operations Department -1 CATANIA FONTANAROSSA AIRPORT Procedures and Recommendations for Flight Operations in the Presence of Volcanic Ash Cloud
Operations Department -2 PRELIMINARY REMARKS In writing the following procedure and recommendations, consideration was given to the peculiarity of an active volcano eruptive mouth situated within 20 miles of an airport with intense passenger traffic and of the specific responsibility assigned to the different Authorities in charge of flight operations in Catania. With regard to the above and following the principles, methods and models contained in ICAO documentation on the subject, an organizational structure was identified composed of the different civilian/military bodies involved in ensuring the operational conditions of the airport. This document was based on the experience gained by ENAC- Flight Operation Service through its activity at airport Direction during past periods of strong volcanic activity.
Operations Department -3 ITALY
Operations Department -4 THE AREA
Operations Department -5 AUTHORITIES & OFFICIAL BODIES INVOLVED ENAC (Airport Director) Crisis Unit ( NVO) Airport Management (Co. S.A.C.) INGV ( National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) UMA of Sigonella ( Airport Meteorological Office) Catania Fontanarossa ARO/MET Catania APP/Radar (Italian Airforce) ACCs Air Operators Aircraft Captains
Operations Department -6 OBJECTIVES The scope of this procedure is to establish tasks and responsibilities of each Body involved in flight operations at Catania Fontanarossa airport, and to make them all, although belonging to different Administrations, operate in a rigidly defined and coordinated manner, applying the rules agreed upon by the National Civil Aviation Authority. The task of these Bodies is to enforce the limitations and/or instructions necessary to guarantee the safety of flight operations at Catania Fontanarossa airport during volcanic eruptions. This would be made possible by setting up a communications network linking all these bodies, permitting the rapid exchange of information.
Operations Department -7 NPMA – Permanent Group for Monitoring and Alarm The definition establish the institutional tasks and functions of Sigonella Meteorological Office and of the Catania branch of INGV. They are connected permanently by means of a telephonic and telematic network in order to cooperate in the surveillance and monitoring of volcanic activity interfering with flight operations. Within NPMA the continuous exchange of information between the two bodies takes place in an alternate way; bulletins, messages and information to third parties are issued by Sigonella UMA.
Operations Department -8 CRISIS UNIT
Operations Department -9 NVO - Operational Evaluation Group ENAC Flight Inspector-Operations ENAC Member of Catania DCA A CTA Expert of the Italian Air force An ENAV CTA Expert A S.A.C. Expert
Operations Department -10 NVO - TASKS The NVO is the technical body within the Crisis Unit It is informed by NPMA of the alarm regarding volcano activity or the consistency of the eruption and realated ash emission It evaluate the operational condition or the degree of operational capability of the whole airport/airspace complex according to the position of ash cloud in relation to the incoming/departing routes;and to the contamination of the runway taxiways It completes its independent investigation and evaluation; it then transmits its conclusions and suggestions to the Crisis Unit who take the appropriate measures on that basis It coordinates all matters with the ATC Centers involved: Catania APP/RADAR, Roma ACC, Brindisi ACC, in a strategic phase for eventual traffic re-routing, and Catania TWR for the tactic management of the ATZ.
Operations Department -11 TASKS AND RESPONSABILITY For each of the Authorities, Official Bodies and Individuals involved, this procedure establishes and delineates tasks and responsibilities: Airport Management Company – S.A.C - Intervention plan aimed to face, to appease and to overcome the effects of volcanic ash falling on the airport. INGV- National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Catania branch Sigonella Airport Meteorological Office Catania APP/Radar BSA - Airspace Brigade - ACCs Air operators Aircraft captain
Operations Department -13 STAGES OF INTERVENTION NPMA Formed by INGV, Catania Branch UMA Sigonella, in co-operation with ARO/MET of Fontanarossa ALERTS The airport Direction The First Regional Meteorological Center of Milan CMR– MWO The airport Direction alerts/summons: - The Crisis Unit (NVO) - The airport Management Company - The Airline operators The First Regional Meteorological Center of Milano CMR - MWO - Activates the co-ordination/contact with the VAAC(Toulose) - Pre-alerts the observation and forecasting units of the Whole Met. S. ACTUAL VOLCANIC ERUPTION– EMISSION OF ASH CLOUD Observed by: INGV Catania Branch and/or Aircraft in Flight Sigonella UMA Catania Fontanarossa ARO/MET…….. Others START THE APPLICATION OF THE CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES
Operations Department -14 CONTINGENCY OPERATIVE PROCEDURE (1) Coordinated tasks and Responsibilities of Bodies, Organizations and Individuals Involved. Division of Airspace. Observation capabilities. Guidelines for evaluating the degree of danger posed by the volcanic ash cloud. Airport opening hours. Basic s cheme for the Evaluation of Catania Fontanarossa Operational Capability in the Presence of a Significant Eruption.
Operations Department -15 CONTINGENCY OPERATIVE PROCEDURE (2) Recommendations for the Management of air traffic: General Consideration; Reading of winds; Cloud in the primary area; Cloud in the secondary area; First sector (North); First-second sector (North/East); First-Fourth sector (North/West).
Operations Department -16 Coordinated tasks and Responsibilities of Bodies, Organizations and Individuals Involved
Operations Department -17 AIRSPACE DIVISION
Operations Department -18 AIRSPACE DIVISION A primary area defined by a circumference having a radius of 10 NM with center on CATANIA VOR/DME (CAT VOR/DME 37°2722 N – 14°5810 E), containing Catania Fontanarossa airport and its circling areas; ; a secondary area defined by four circular sectors between 10 and 70 NM with center on CAT VOR identified as follows: 1° sector: from RDL 315 to RDL 045; 2° sector: RDL 045 to RDL 135; 3° sector: RDL 135 to RDL 225; 4° sector: RDL 225 to RDL 315. Catania VOR is positioned 18 NM (35 Km.) south of the volcano.
Operations Department -19 AIRPORT OPENING HOURS From SR to SS + 30 From SR to SS + 1h 30
Operations Department -20 OBSERVATION CAPABILITIES The observation capabilities of the meteorological phenomena referred to in this document, are those and only those available at present. It is possible to improve the quality and increase the quantity of the necessary data through the use of: Lidar Radar Doppler Radar Wind profiler Geo-Stationary Satellites of new generation (MSG)
Operations Department -21 TOPICS Guidelines for evaluating the degree of danger posed by the volcanic ash cloud. Basic s cheme for the Evaluation of Catania Fontanarossa Operational Capability in the Presence of a Significant Eruption.
Operations Department -22 TOPICS Recommendations for the Management of air traffic: General Consideration; Reading of winds; Cloud in the primary area; Cloud in the secondary area: First sector (North); First-second sector (North/East); First-Fourth sector (North/West).
Operations Department -23 STARs
Operations Department -24 STARs Contingency
Operations Department -25 ILS Contingency
Operations Department -26 SID Contingency
Operations Department -27