Parts of Speech #2 Verbs and Adverbs
Verbs A verb is a word or group of words that expresses an action or a state of being. State of being verbs are often called linking verbs. A verb is essential to the sentence. Jesse chose the captain. (action) He is confident of his success. (state of being/linking)
3 Tests of a Verb A verb must meet at least ONE of the following criteria: Only a verb can be changed into past, present, and future forms. Study Studied Will study Should have studied Only verbs can take an –ing ending Studying Performing Driving Only verbs can fill in the blank in this sentence: I can (or cannot) ______. I can study. I cannot perform magic. I can drive.
A verb may consist of only one word. Marcos hit the ball. A verb phrase is a group of words used as one verb. A verb phrase consists of a main verb plus any helping (auxiliary) verbs. Can Ken hit that fastball?
Helping (Auxiliary) Verbs The English language contains twenty-three helping verbs. The most common helping verbs are forms of the verb be: am were is be are being was been
Other Helping Verbs may has do might have does must had did can will shall could would should
Action vs. Linking Verbs Most verbs show action; that is, they are something that a person can do. However, some verbs are linking verbs. They connect a noun or pronoun in the predicate to the subject. To determine whether a verb is a linking verb, try substituting the word equal (or equals) for the verb. Example: The gymnast is (equals) both skillful and strong.
Common Linking Verbs Listed below are some common linking verbs: Am Appear Is Become Are Feel Was Grow (when it means become) Were Look Be Remain Being Smell Been Sound Taste
In the sentences below, locate the verb or verb phrase In the sentences below, locate the verb or verb phrase. Classify each verb or verb phrase as action or linking. Tomás seems very brave. Can you guess the amount of the ticket? Mr. Gamble will be our choice for favorite teacher. The kindergarten students must lie down after lunch.
Adverbs An adverb modifies, or adds information to, a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Many adverbs are formed by adding –ly to an adjective. The train whistle shrieked loudly at the crossing. (modifies the verb shrieked) Melinda seems extremely short in comparison to her two sisters. (modifies the adjective short) He ran very quickly to first base. (modifies the other adverb quickly)
5 Tests of an Adverb Adverbs will answer at least one of the following questions: How? When? Where? Why? To what extent?
In the sentences below, locate the verbs and adverbs In the sentences below, locate the verbs and adverbs. Then determine what question each adverb answers. The coaches watched Timothy very eagerly. Jamie angrily threw her backpack down. Often Meagan arrived too late for roll call. Your ride stops here. The sun shone warmly. I did not believe Olaf’s story.