My soul doth magnify the Lord, in him my spirit doth rejoice, for he beheld my low estate, and in his love made me his choice. [Sing to the Lord 235]
shall now my blessedness proclaim, for he has done great things to me; 2. All generations from henceforth shall now my blessedness proclaim, for he has done great things to me; mighty and holy is his name.
that fear the Lord from age to age; he has revealed his mighty arm, 3. His mercy shall abide on them that fear the Lord from age to age; he has revealed his mighty arm, routing the haughty in their rage.
exalted those of low degree; he filled the hungry souls with good, 4. He has abased the mighty ones, exalted those of low degree; he filled the hungry souls with good, and smote the rich with poverty.
in honour of his mercy sure; e’en as he spoke to Abraham 5. He helped his servant Israel, in honour of his mercy sure; e’en as he spoke to Abraham and to his seed forevermore. Sing to the Lord 235 Public domain Text: Luke 1:46–55. Vers. Dewey Westra, 1931 Tune: William Boyd, 1868