Feb. 25,2009 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)


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Presentation transcript:

Feb. 25,2009 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University) Jet isolation Feb. 25,2009 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)

Introduction Muons near the jet are rejected Calojet : reconstructed jet at calorimeter Genjet : reconstructed jet at generator level Corjet : calojet applied jet energy correction (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/WorkBookJetAnalysis#JetCorrections)

# of jet per event (black : Genjet, red : Corjet, green : Calojet, FastSim) no cut pt>15 pt>15 ΔR(jet,MC μ)>0.5

PT & η of jet (black : Genjet, red : Corjet, green : Calojet, FastSim) ΔR(jet,MC μ)>0.5 pt>15 ΔR(jet,MC μ)>0.5 pt>15

Jet matching efficiency (# of matched genjet / # of genjet, FastSim) pt>15, ΔR(jet,MC μ)>0.5, ΔRmatching<0.2 black : calojet red : corjet black : calojet red : corjet PT(genjet) η(genjet)

Jet matching efficiency (# of matched genjet with corjet/ # of genjet, FastSim) ΔR(jet,MC μ)>0.5, ΔRmatching(gen,cor)<0.2 black : pt>15, |η|<2.4 red : pt>15 black : pt>15, |η|<2.4 red : pt>20, |η|<2.4 green : pt>30, |η|<2.4 PT(genjet) η(genjet)

Jet energy response & resolution (black : pt>15, |η|<2 Jet energy response & resolution (black : pt>15, |η|<2.4, red : pt>30, |η|<2.4, FastSim) ΔR(jet,MC μ)>0.5, ΔR(cor,gen)<0.2 response response Mean(PTcor/PTgen) Mean(PTcor/PTgen) PT(genjet) η(genjet) resolution resolution Sigma/Mean(PTcor/PTgen) Sigma/Mean(PTcor/PTgen) PT(genjet) η(genjet)

Comparison of FastSim and FullSim 10k FastSim : generated by Chawon Park 10k FullSim : generated by Hyunkwan Seo

Mass of matched two highest PT global muons with MC muon (pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10, pt(jet)>15, ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5) FullSim(10k) : entry 3745, mean 199.2, rms 6.657 FastSim(10k): entry 3778, mean 198.6, rms 7.160 FullSim(10k) : entry 3788, mean 199.2, rms 7.018 FastSim(10k): entry 3870, mean 198.5, rms 6.875

Mass of matched two highest PT global muons with MC muon (pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10, pt(jet)>15, ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5) FastSim FastSim FullSim FullSim

Mass of H++ at FastSim (black : matched muon with MC muon, red : highest pt muon) track track pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>15 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 jet isolation global muon global muon pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>15 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 jet isolation

Mass of H++ at FullSim (black : matched muon with MC muon, red : highest pt muon) track track pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>15 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 jet isolation global muon global muon pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>15 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 jet isolation

Mass of H++ pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10, pt(jet)>15, ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 FastSim FastSim black : global muon red : track black : global muon red : track matching with MC μ FullSim FullSim black : global muon red : track black : global muon red : track matching with MC μ

Matching particles (pt>10, |η|<2 Matching particles (pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPT<10, ΔRmatching<0.01, pt(jet)>30, ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5) FastSim track pt FastSim track pt VS global muon pt MC muon pt global muon pt FullSim track pt FullSim track pt VS global muon pt MC muon pt global muon pt

Mass of H++ at FastSim (black : matched muon with MC muon, red : highest pt muon) track track pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>15 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>30 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 pt(jet)>30 global muon global muon pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>15 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>30 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 pt(jet)>30

Mass of H++ at FullSim (black : matched muon with MC muon, red : highest pt muon) track track pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>15 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>30 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 pt(jet)>30 global muon global muon pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>15 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>30 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 pt(jet)>30

z position of particles (black : no cut, red : pt>10, |η|<2 z position of particles (black : no cut, red : pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10, pt(jet)>30, ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5, normalized) FastSim FastSim FullSim FullSim

Δz between particles (black : no cut, red : pt>10, |η|<2 Δz between particles (black : no cut, red : pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10, pt(jet)>30, ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5) FastSim FastSim black : 10k events red : 10k events black : 50 events red : 10k events FullSim FullSim black : 10k events red : 10k events black : 50 events red : 10k events

Δz between two highest pt muons (pt>10, |η|<2 Δz between two highest pt muons (pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10, pt(jet)>30, ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5) FastSim tracks FastSim global muons FullSim tracks FullSim global muons


Jet energy response & resolution (black : pt>15, |η|<2 Jet energy response & resolution (black : pt>15, |η|<2.4, red : pt>30, |η|<2.4, FullSim) ΔR(jet,MC μ)>0.5, ΔR(cor,gen)<0.2 Mean(PTcor/PTgen) Mean(PTcor/PTgen) PT(genjet) η(genjet) Sigma/Mean(PTcor/PTgen) Sigma/Mean(PTcor/PTgen) PT(genjet) η(genjet)

Mass of matched two highest PT global muons with MC muon (10k events of full simulation data : generated by Hyunkwan Seo) FastSim FastSim pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10 FullSim FullSim pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPt<10

Mass of H++ at FastSim (black : matched muon with MC muon, red : highest pt muon) track track pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>30 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 jet isolation global muon global muon pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>30 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 jet isolation

Mass of H++ at FullSim (black : matched muon with MC muon, red : highest pt muon) track track pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>30 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 jet isolation global muon global muon pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt>10, |η|<2.4 isolPt<10 pt(jet)>30 ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5 jet isolation

Matching particles (pt>10, |η|<2 Matching particles (pt>10, |η|<2.4, isolPT<10, ΔRmatching<0.01, pt(jet)>15, ΔR(jet,mu)>0.5) FastSim track pt FastSim track pt VS global muon pt MC muon pt global muon pt FullSim track pt FullSim track pt VS global muon pt MC muon pt global muon pt