Starting Transition Early Mt. Pleasant Region Conference April 26, 2019 Janis McClure Region 8 ESC
Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 16, or younger if determined appropriate by the ARD committee, and updated annually…. TAC 89.1055(l) CFR 300.320(b)
Autism TAC 89.1055 e 5) beginning at any age, consistent with subsection (h) of this section, futures planning for integrated living, work, community, and educational environments that considers skills necessary to function in current and post-secondary environments;
“We are still waiting. We started on the CLASS list at number 50,000 and now we are down to number 8,000. We've been waiting for 9 years. I should have done it sooner.” From Navigate Life Texas –Quote from a parent
Begin with the end in mind Franklin Covey Where we are now What is the goal for: Post-secondary Education/training Employment Independent Living Self-Advocacy Adult Services Community Engagement Where we want to be
Backward Chains What are the links that make the chain? If you want to have friends when you graduate what do you need to learn at: Primary school Elementary school Middle school High School College What are the links that make the chain?
Work as a team Give information to Preschool Teachers and PPCD teachers Give Information to LIDS teachers and Elementary teachers LIDS- Low Incidence Disability PPCD- Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities
Get familiar with the agencies and their services. Medicaid Waivers Children with Special Health Care Needs (DSHS) Texas Workforce Commission Health and Humans Services Department of State Health Services Any local agencies that are unique to the area.
Help for Parents Encourage parents to think forward! Navigate Life Texas Texas Parent to Parent PACER Center All ESCs have Parent Involvement pages All school districts have TEDS- Transition Employment Services Designee. Encourage parents to think forward! Plan according to their needs. The greater the need the earlier this process may need to start.
Thank you! Janis McClure