Handwashing and Hand Sanitizing Presentation
Hand Hygiene “Handwashing is a simple thing and it's the best way to prevent infection and illness. Clean hands prevent infections. Keeping hands clean prevents illness at home, at school, and at work. Hand hygiene practices are key prevention tools in healthcare settings, in daycare facilities, in schools and public institutions, and for the safety of our food.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Hand Sanitizers and the Flu While no hand sanitizer will prevent Seasonal flu or H1N1 Flu, according to the CDC, one of the ways you can help protect yourself from any Flu is by practicing sensible hand hygiene. CDC recommends keeping your hands clean by washing with soap and water, or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available.
Proper Handwashing Techniques Source: www.health.gov.on.ca/english/public/pub/pubhealth/pdf/handwash_tech.pdf
Hand Sanitizers Foaming Instant Hand Sanitizer - NO ALCOHOL with Aloe and Vitamin E No water needed. 0.2% Benzethonium Chloride (Quat.based) eliminates 99.9% of many important organisms. Non-flammable and dye free. E-3 rated. Foaming Instant Hand Sanitizer - ALCOHOL based No water needed. 62% Alcohol, recommended most highly by the CDC. Dye and fragrance free. E-3 rated. USDA BioPreferred. Santi-Gel Instant Hand Sanitizer – ALCOHOL BASED with Aloe and Vitamin E No water needed. Kills 99.9% of eight important organisms in 15 seconds or less. No dye or fragrance. Doesn't over-dry skin. E-3 rated. USDA BioPreferred. Foaming E-2 Bacteria Controlling Hand Sanitizer Cleaner and Liquid HSC E-2 Bacteria Controlling Hand Sanitizer Cleaner Hand wash that cleans and sanitizes in one step. Rinse with water. Dye-free and fragrance-free, ideal for use in all food related facilities. USDA E-2 rated.
Kutol Hand Cleaners that are Most Effective Against Germs: Santi-Gel Instant Hand Sanitizer (Alcohol based) Antibacterial Hand Soap HSC E-2 Hand Sanitizer Cleaner Foaming Instant Hand Sanitizer (Quat based) Foaming Alcohol Hand Sanitizer (Alcohol based) Foaming Antibacterial Hand Soap Foaming E-2 Hand Sanitizer Cleaner
Kutol Makes Hand Hygiene Easy Products and systems that encourage building occupants to practice hand hygiene Top Dispensing Technology with VDS (Visual Dispensing System) is more cost-effective Kutol products meet the stringent requirements for Green Seal, USGBC, HACCP and FDA EZ Hand Hygiene System No Touch dispensers promote occupant wellness and reduce cross contamination High-capacity, sealed systems that are more sanitary and reduce bacterial contamination than bulk hand soaps
DESIGNER SERIES versus the Competition Vs. The Competition Proprietary Top Dispensing Technology - user sees soap being dispensed, meaning fewer pushes and less soap wasted No Leak Guarantee – due to top valve placement Dispenses Foam and Liquid Soaps and Foam and Gel Hand Sanitizers Large View Window with Easy-to-Slide Product Identification Window Cards Customizable Window Cards Available in Black, Gray and White Reduced Packaging- uses 50% less plastic than hard cartridges Pump Spring will Not Wear Out– it is in the refill, not the dispenser Bottom Dispensing – user unable to see soap being dispensed , meaning extra pushes and more soap wasted More leaks due to bottom valve placement Soaps and sanitzers may require different dispensers No product identification - user does not know if product is hand soap, hand sanitizer, etc. Cartridge manipulation - top of cartridge can be cut open to accept bulk fill products Spring to dispense product is attached to the dispenser and will wear out over time.
Custom Solutions. Consistent Performance. Kutol Products Co / Cincinnati, OH 45241 Web: www.kutol.com Toll Free: 800.543.4641