Understanding the Global Apparel Manufacturing Process 2.02 How our clothing is created…
From Design to Reality… Once a ________________, or example of the product has been created, then the manufacturing process begins… Image Source: http://www.sdfltd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/clothing_manufacturer.jpg
Developing a Production Pattern There are ________ steps to the process of creating a pattern for a manufactured apparel product: ___________ Marking ____________ Cutting ImageSource: http://www.artec3d.com/upload/iblock/ee2/Pattern-production.jpg
Creating Different Sizes Most apparel products come in various sizes. Patterns have to be created for each size. This process is called ______________. Image Source: http://www.patternsandgrading.com/sitebuilder/images/grading_only-540x355-540x351.png
How is Grading Done Grading can be done by: a _______ (Computer Aided Design) software program or By hand on _______________
Developing a Marker _______________ is the process that uses a computer or paper to create an outline of the shape of the pattern piece . The markers are then placed on the fabric in a way ensure the _________ amount of wasted fabric possible. Image Source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LqjRC1l3VA8/Td5Mxl9GpGI/AAAAAAAAG0E/eX_rqraOjss/s1600/LADIES+NIGHT+DRESS-NIGHTY-MARKER+PLANNING.bmp
Spreading the Fabric _______________ are machines used to place multiple layers of fabric so they can be cut into pieces ready for assembly.
Cutting It All Out… The cutting process usually involves one of two primary types of machines: Electric Cutting ______________ ____________ Cutting Machine
Electric Knife Machine
Computerized Laser Cutter
Assembling the Product Apparel assembly usually involves one of four basic methods: Tailoring/______________Garment Progressive Bundle/Piecework Unit Production ______________ Manufacturing
Tailoring/Whole Garment _______________ person creates the design, pattern and assembles the garment from start to finish. Image Source:http://images.clickliverpool.com/admin/article/articleimages/1263472034-tailor.jpg
Progressive Bundle/_________ Each operator does different parts of the assembly process Image Source: http://morethanshipping.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/BANGLADESH.bmp
Unit Production This system involves _____________ all of the parts of the product together in a carrier through the entire assembly process. Image Source: http://img.diytrade.com/cdimg/437786/4273562/0/1189404064/Euratex_Unit_Production_System.jpg
Modular Production Multiple operators work ____________ as a team to create the product with each individual performing ____________ steps.
Standards of Quality Control When measuring the quality of a finished product, there are two different types of quality to consider _______________ Quality
Design Quality _____________ quality takes into consideration the features that are part of the design of a garment. Certain sewing techniques and seam finishes are used on higher quality garments that would not be seen on garments of lesser quality – ie. ______________ seams, top stitching etc.
Manufacturing Quality Manufacturing quality considers the care with which a garment has been created. Workers in this area of inspection would look for: color _____________ ________________ defects sizing defects