Writing conventions For academic essays
#1 Always write in third person Sample sentence: In the novel, we read about the struggles and lives of eight German classmates during World War I. Revised sentence The novel is about the struggle of eight German classmates during World War I.
Revise the following sentences. Most of the people at home see war as a glorified way to show your patriotism. The message that comes from friendships tells us that humans can only get through tough situations with friends.
#2 Do not start a sentence with a conjunction. Sample Sentence Detering runs away and later he was caught. But Paul, on the other hand, stayed in the war. Revised Sentence Detering runs away and later he was caught. Paul, on the other hand, stayed in the war.
Revise the following sentences Tita’s mother interfered and said Tita could not get married because Tita had to take care of her. So Pedro married Rosaura. Tita felt her mother’s disapproval. And she could even see her mother’s ghost when she was dead.
#3 Do not end a sentence with a preposition. You can either a) drop the preposition 2) replace it with a stronger verb or 3) rephrase the sentence. Sample sentence The Hadley’s had a home with a nursery that Lydia was afraid of. Revised Sentence Lydia was afraid of the Hadley’s nursery.
Correct the following sentences. 1) Evil is contagious and may stem from those we surround ourselves with. 2) They have the kind of friendship that most people would give anything for.
#4 Be mindful of how you write numerals. Rule: If the number takes two or less words, write it verbally. If it takes more than two words, write it numerically. Sample sentence: He is only 19 years old and has to face the brutality of war. Revised sentence He is only nineteen and has to face the brutality of war.
Correct the following sentences In Life of Pi, Pi did not know he would have to share his boat with a 450 lb cat. Pi also had to live on a lifeboat for over 200 days.
Writing Convention 5: Do not use contractions Rule: Break up the contraction Sample Sentence Understanding freedom is great, but that’s not always enough. Revised sentence Understanding freedom is great, but that is not always enough.
Sample contractions In All Quiet on the Western Front, the soldiers couldn’t leave because they weren’t allowed. The main character doesn’t realize the gravity of his decision to enlist.
Writing Conventions 6 Cite sources correctly Underline or Italicize Place in quotes Novels Short stories Magazines Articles in magazines or newspapers Newspapers Poems Plays Songs Epics Episodes Albums Chapters in textbooks Tv shows textbooks
Write the following sentences, using the correct citations. Kate Chopin’s novel The Awakening is about a heroine who realizes her life lacks personal achievements. While reading The News and Observer this weekend, I became frustrated at the poor coverage of world news. In the short story The Sniper, one can really visualize the effects of war on countrymen. Sandra Cisnero’s poem My Name represents the identity conflicts of Latino-Americans.
Writing Conventions 5: Be mindful of sentence fragments A sentence fragment is either missing a subject, verb or main clause (a subject and a verb). Sample Sentence: He talked for fifty minutes without taking his eyes off his notes. Like other teachers in that department.
Fix the following sentences. It can be really embarrassing to be so emotional. Especially when you are on your first date. Making up his mind quickly. Jim ordered two dozen red roses for his wife. Hoping she would accept his apology.
Writing Conventions 6: Correct run-on sentences with appropriate punctuation Relationships are necessary to survive whether it is with your family, someone you’ve known forever, or someone you just met, they are essential.
Correct the following sentence. The setting is pretty much mostly them fighting and hiding to avoid getting shot, along with trying to get enough food and water. Along with just surviving the war.