Fig. 1 Bulk analysis results of FRESH, LML, MML, and HML FCC catalyst particles. Bulk analysis results of FRESH, LML, MML, and HML FCC catalyst particles. (Top) Fresh catalyst particles and calcined ECat particles were obtained from an industrial FCC unit and separated into three age groups according to their skeletal density (ρ1 to ρ3). (Middle) Catalytic cracking activity (%) (blue) of vacuum gas oil (VGO) and accessibility index (purple) are anticorrelated with the total metal content of Fe and Ni (summed Fe and Ni concentrations in wt %) for particle surface (green) and bulk (red), as measured by SEM-EDX and WDXRF (Table 1). (Bottom) Catalytic particles are imaged by TXM tomography at 64-nm 3D voxel size (see the Supplementary Materials). Red to orange colors indicate Fe concentrations, whereas Ni is visualized using the blue to green color range (see also movie S1). Florian Meirer et al. Sci Adv 2015;1:e1400199 Published by AAAS