Android bus ticket sale software Business plan
Bus Logic Ticketing System bus operators software system Fully automated bus operators software system
Android Bus Ticket Sale Software - System Shema - - Web based software - Entire system management available online - Mobile ticketing - Bus ticket sale Android App
Android Bus Ticket Sale Software - Cloud Database - - MySQL Database- ABTSS system stores all data on Bus Logic high secured dedicated servers with a several daily backups. Database keeps all the records permanently even though they may be deleted from the system.
Android Bus Ticket Sale Software - Web Management Software - - Cloud Management Platform- ABTSS system contains web-based software platform for system setup and control. It consists of many system modules capable to function in sinergy with other system parts or independently as a specialized ticketing sub-system.
Android Bus Ticket Sale Software - Android Bus Ticket Sale App- - Android Software - - Android Bus Ticket Sale App- Android App for bus ticket sale on the bus is part of the ABTSS system dependable on the Cloud Management permissions and other settings. This App is used by a salesman on the bus or bus station and all recorded data are synchronized with a cloud database.
Android Bus Ticket Sale Software - FEATURES & UPGRADES- ABTS Software is PHP and JavaScript complex software structure created to answer every bus operators request. This system is a basic sub-system of entire Bus Logic ticketing system which may be considered as a set of modules: Main system settings – System administration and global settings Basic cash sale module Full reports module Cashiers module Dispatching module (Fleet Management and GPS tracking) Bus Pass module (Fare collection system, bus pass, E-Wallet, etc.) Booking module (bus operators and ticket sale agencies) Bus Station module Passengers Info module Web sale module...
Android Bus Ticket Sale Software - Android Hardware- Bus Driver Console -ABTSS Android App is a part of Android Bus Ticket Sale System intended to be used for bus ticket sale by bus driver or conductor on the bus. - The App can be installed on any Android device with Android OS version 5 or higher. - The tickets and reports are issued and printed in a few seconds by an Android device without an embedded thermal printer or any other Android device paired with a Bluetooth terminal printer. Bus ticket cash sale equipment
Android Bus Ticket Sale SOFTWARE User Guide
Android Bus Ticket Sale App Installation & setup manual 1 Download the App Install the App Run the App Select the language Read device IMEI
Android Bus Ticket Sale App Installation & setup manual 2 Watch the video tutorial on how to activate the Android device license: Attach the device and activate the license
Android Bus Ticket Sale App Installation & setup manual 3 After assigning the device to the system, restart the App and wait for the automatic data download. The software will download two data groups: Aplication and hardware updates System settings and predefined database records. When all initial data is downloaded, the login screan apears with the list of drivers and conducters with a predefined permision to use the Ticket Sale App . The user enters the PIN code to login the App. Restart the App App login
Android Bus Ticket Sale App Installation & setup manual 4 To connect the thermal printer, open the menu “Printer setup” on the left top corner of the screen. The pop-up screen will offer to select the printer . If your Android device has an embedded thermal printer, select the model of your Android device on the drop-down list. Othervise you need to pair your Android device with a Bloetooth thermal printer and select the Bluetooth printer model on the drop-down list. Connect the printer Select printer
Android Bus Ticket Sale App Installation & setup manual 5 Open the departure setup to select the departure for ticket sale; On the next screen select the line of desired departure, the first station of desired direction for selected line and than select the departure time from the timetable list below; Conffirm the selection to open the departure. Select the line of the departure Ready to sale the tickets
Android Bus Ticket Sale App Installation & setup manual 6 Next screen displays a list of selected line stations, discounts, and driving directions. If GPS function is turned On (advanced system option), the station nearest to the current location will be automatically detected and assigned as a station for the next ticket sale departure. The basic ABTSS system allows a bus driver or conductor to select the next station manually. After selecting all the necessary data for the ticket sale, click the button to sell the ticket. Select the departure station and time Confirm the sale to print the ticket
Android Bus Ticket Sale App Installation & setup manual 7 Now all relevant data for the created ticket is displayed. If the ticket seller accidentally made a mistake while creating the ticker, it can be canceled by using the left bottom button. Otherwise, if all data is correct, by confirming the sale (right bottom button), the bus ticket will be printed immediately. If the system is still in a testing and setting process, and there is no suitable printer for finishing the ticket sale process, a ticket can be issued and send as an SMS. NOTE: This feature is not predicted for a live ticket sale but just for a testing purpose. Confirm or cancel the sale Test SMS ticket
Android Bus Ticket Sale App Installation & setup manual 8 At the end of the ride, shift or any other ticket sale sesion, the opened departure ticket sale needs to be closed (click the buttom Close on the bottom of the screen). The brief report on the opened sesion events will be displayed (number of sold tickets, sold ticket ordinal number range etc.). At the same time a sesion report is printed. It may contain default data or to be customized by the bus operator. Close the ticket sale ssion Print the ticket sale report
Android Bus Ticket Sale App Installation & setup manual 9 - Video Tutorials - Please, visit Android Bus Ticket Sale Software YouTube channel and find our tutorilals explaining the basig steps for system setup and implementation:
Android Bus Ticket Sale SYSTEM