Humor Umor a Latin word for “fluid” Personality attributed to excess of bodily fluids: Choleric Jonah (excess of yellow bile) Melancholy Jeremiah (excess of black bile) Phlegmatic Lot (excess of phlegm) Sanguine Joab (excess of blood) “in a bad humor” “in a bad mood”
Humor in the Bible God made us with a sense of humor God wrote the Bible 2 Pet. 1:19-21; 2 Tim. 3:16 (not for our amusement) Incongruity is one of the most basic elements of humor Situational Humor Esther Psalm 2:4 God will laugh Isaiah 28:7-14, Micah 1:10-16 word play
Humor of Jesus Isaac (“laughter”) foreshadows Jesus Gen. 17:5,15-19; 18:9-15; 21:1-7; 22:1-18 Nicknames for disciples Matt. 16:18 Matt. 5:3-10; 7:2-4, Matt. 23:24 Matt. 19:30-20:16 many first will be last, and the last first…so the last will be first, and the first last
Humor in the Bible Mark 5:21-43 Synagogue ruler Jairus worships Jesus in advance Matt. 9: “Who touched Me?”Disciples’ response Woman hemorrhaged blood for 12 years Her finances hemorrhaged for 12 years “She is not dead but sleeping” They laughed Him to scorn v.53 The last laugh Matt. 9:26
Humor in Your Life Why do we laugh? Wrong motives Eph. 5:3 filthy language & course jesting Prov. 29:9 Laughing a weak response to wisdom Prov. 14:12-14 humor without God is empty Luke 6:21 Blessed are you who weep now for you shall laugh GET THE LAST LAUGH